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"I'm sorry if I startled you." He says.

It's hard to make out his face in the dark but from what I can see he has very commanding features.

He extends his hand that was pulled back.

I look at his hand then back at his face so he lowers it.

"That's okay." He awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

I push my eyebrows together by default.

"I mean..." His voice trails off and he looks around before lookin back at me. "You're sitting out here all by yourself." He gestures with his hands then points to me.

"You're dressed up all pretty and you're out here crying." He finally takes a seat beside me but I consciously move over to the other side of the rock.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" I instantly stand up and go even further away from him.

He chuckles and doesn't seem the least bit startled by my reaction.

"I'm just a friendly stranger." He shrugs.

I laugh uncomfortably. "And I'm not interested."

I begin to walk away from him.

Last rass time mi mek stranger talk to mi mi end up wid craasis Tego. Not again a rass.

I hear the sand crunch and small footsteps catch up to me. "I'm not a threat." He says while walking a good distance behind me.

I get to see his face a bit better as he comes out more in the light. "I was just wondering what's going on but it was nice to meet you."

He waves goodbye and flashes a pearly smile before turning in his heel and disappearing into the dark as if be was never there.

I walk back to the table to see Tego and the waitress laughing together.

I kiss my teeth and haul the chair towards me to take a seat.

They both ignore me until I clear my throat.

"Alright then, are you ready for your main course?" She asks.

We both place our orders and when she leaves we sit there in silence.

Neither of us exchange a word but for some reason it doesn't feel as tense as it felt before I took the walk.

I try to put my mind at ease by taking sips of my martini while listening to the splash of the water against the rocks and watch the stars twinkle.

The girl eventually comes back and clears the previous dishes then brings out our main course. We also sit in silence at that time until we finally order rounds of our preferred drinks.

After about my fourth glass, I realize that I see the guy from earlier. He quickly walks by the table but he doesn't look at me.

"Yuh know him?" Tego's voice startles me from across the table.

"Me?" I'm shocked by his question so my mouth say's the first thing but Tego just rolls his eyes then leans against the table to get closer to me.

"Jade, do you know that man?" He sneers.

"No.." My voice trails off.

His top lip curls into a snarl. "Jade.." He warns.

"Well, I don't really know him." I shrug and swirl the drink in my hand around with my finger.

"B, talk straight. What the fuck do you mean by you don't really know him?"

I blankly stare at him.

"Why does it matter?" I snap.

"Yuh nuh know yuhself. Come on." He stands up immediately and begins walking to the parking lot after dropping some $5000 notes under one of the glasses he was drinking out of and brings the almost full one he had just gotten.

I follow suit and finally get a chance to sit beside him in the car.

"What the fuck?" I exclaim as soon as I catch my breath.

"A you mi fi deh ask dat." He glares at me while leaned all the way back in his seat.


"Weh yuh know dah nigga deh from?" He barks.

My mind knows what I want to say but my mouth can't form the words. It feels stuck.

He snaps his fingers in my face.

"Yuh dumb?" He asks.

I still don't answer him. I don't know why he's behaving like this.

He pinches the bridge of his nose then breathes heavily before glaring at me again.

Without thinking, I sink into the car seat but he just leans over and grabs my arm to pull me into him so his mouth is close to my ear.

"I know you're not stupid, Jade. So I don't think I should be begging you for an answer. How do you know him?"

He pulls away enough to search my eyes for an answer.

"How comes you could flirt all night but as soon as I do it, it's a problem?" I snap.

He releases me slowly then starts the car and speeds into the direction of the cabin.

He doesn't stop or slow down even once.

"B, mi a drink enuh suh right now mi corrup' yuh fuck." He mumbles.

He abruptly stops at the cabin and heads straight inside to drink some more henny.

I awkwardly sit on the edge of the bed while he slams around the entire cabin mumbling to himself and taking sips of his liquor.

His eyes finally meet mine.

"Get on your knees." He growls.

My body works before my mind so I instantly fall to my knees in front of him.

He takes off his own clothes so I start going to work. He quickly takes control and does as he pleases with my mouth hitting the back of my throat with each thrust.

Before I know it my entire chest and mouth is covered in my own saliva but he ignores that and grabs my head, places it on the ground and positions himself behind me.

I feel him press against my entrance.

"Mine?" He asks.

I nod under his hold.

"Answer me." He growls.

"Yes." I whimper.

He enters slowly. "Don't flirt with strangers." He moves steadily.

"I'm not competing with anyone." He mumbles and picks up the pace.

"Right?" He urges me to respond.

I nod feverishly but I'm unable to get any word out seeing that he's pounding relentlessly.

"Answer me." He slaps my ass and goes even harder.

"Yes, Tego." His movements finally slow down bringing both of us to our climax and Tego finishing inside of me.

The Choppa EffectDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora