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The next day Alexia brings me home.

I greet my parents before showering and when I go to my room, I see Tego calling me.

"Hi." I mumble into the phone.

I wonder what he's up to now.

"Wapm?" He greets me.

"Deh ya."

"Good." He breathes. "That's very good."

"Yeah, how are you?" I giggle and lay in my bed to get comfortable.

"I'm okay." He says.

"Are you sure?" I ask him.

I was worried that what he went through was traumatizing for him.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" He asks.

He doesn't snap but he sounds actually confused.

"Just imagine if I wasn't there in time and didn't get to you in time." He mumbles.

"Tego, you don't need to keep bringing it up like it's your fault." I snap.

"You're right." He says. "I'm not gonna bring it back up with you because I'm not going to be talking to you anymore. I don't want to be in a relationship with you and I don't even want to be friends with you."

His words cut me in a way that felt physical.

"Huh?" My mouth finally forms to say.

"Yuh deaf?" He snaps.

"Yah leff mi because YOU mek ME almost dead?" I shout.

"No." He kisses his teeth. "You almost died because of me."

"You got kidnapped and everything and nearly dead. Suppose wi neva get to you or anything in time?"

"Tego.." My voice trails off.

How could Tego think that this is all his fault?

"I could say you need to be more vigilant but that's not your fault. You were raised a particular way and you shouldn't have to change your lifestyle just because I live a reckless one." He explains.

"What?" I blink hard to try to understand him.

Tego's P.O.V.

I kiss my teeth before sighing. "Jade, how else do you want me to explain what I just said to you."

She's silent on the other end.

"We can still be friends?" I offer after I realize that she has nothing to say.

"Fuck you." She spits and hangs up the phone.

I stare at the screen but I can't call her again.

Why would I call her? Fi she cuss and diss mi?

No thanks.

I decide to just roll and smoke a spliff before going to bed but I don't get what feels like much sleep before I get a call that startles me awake.

"Y pree now?" I try not to sound sleepy.

"Boss, yuh need fi come look pan e place now cause we soon done." Adrian says.

Adrian is one of those people that I had to give a serious talk about the lifestyle comes with being involved in a certain lifestyle.

He was way too caught up so mi did haffi bring him one side and rough him up.

He's doing way better now though because I keep him close by and keep guiding him.

"Nuh seh 40." I mumble and hang up.

I stand to my feet to come to reality before going to the bathroom to take a shower and freshen up my body and mind.

I finally leave my house and text Adrian to keep him updated.

When I pull up to the location I was actually shocked.

I knew that work was being done there but I didn't know that it got this far.

I park the car and go to the front where Adrian was.

We greet each other before he begins showing me around.

It's perfect!

It has the exact style that I needed and now all I have to do is complete the finishes and furnish it.

"E look good." Adrian says.

I nod.

"It does." I verbally add.

My phone starts ringing but it's Jade.

I hesitate before answering.

"Hi." I say.

She just breathes into the phone for a minute before speaking. "Why did you take so long to answer?"

I sigh before answering.

I do a gesture to Adrian so he knows that I'm gone while I get into my car.

"Jade, we nuffi a deal." I explain.

Why this likkle tuff head girl don't just understand?

It's her time to sigh now. "That just doesn't make sense to me, Tego. We were doing so good and going on dates all the time and you were being so nice and accountable and everything." She rambles.

Why should Jade have to be living the life that I live just because she's associated with me?

That man would've never gotten the chance to get so close to me if he didn't target Jade.

It's just a mess.

"If things were different." I finally mumble.

"Y'know what. Fuck you again." She spits before hanging up.

Her sharpness stings me and it doesn't fade.

She's right in a way.

We were doing good.

I was working on my substance abuse and doing self work to heal for her but she can't keep up with my lifestyle and she shouldn't have to so it's better if we go our separate ways.

It's a hard pill to swallow.

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