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"I miss you. Come spend the night with me."

Immediately I begin thinking of the last time I saw him. He always has such fun little ideas but always acts tough on the outside.

"Sealah! Husband text yuh right in time though." Alexia brings me back to reality.

I didn't even realize that his message alone has my smile reaching my eyes so I immediately pull back and regain myself.

"It's just a little message." I shrug her off.

"Eee?" She cocks an eyebrow at me. "That's how it starts. Just a likkle message, then just a likkle rub dung then all of a sudden it's just a likkle baby."

A fit of laughter takes me over. "Alright, fine Alexia. He just wants me to come over.. that's all." I shrug.

"That's all." She mocks my tone before laughing. "Imma drop you off over there RIGHT NOW!"

She immediately stands to her feet and grabs her car keys and cup then pauses. "If only I knew where it was."

"A dat wid yuh!" I exclaim as I stand up as well. "Yuh too nuff." I laugh.

She fakes a sad face expression. "You're gonna have to tell me don't worry."

We both go to her car while I explain where he lives and even though she claims to have an idea, I know that she's still very much confused.

We spend the entire journey listening to music and singing along- caraoke.

We finally arrive at Tego's house so I kiss Alexia 'goodbye' and make my way to the door.

I wait a few seconds after knocking for Tego to open it.

He immediately gives me a smile.

"Hi." He breathes.

"Hi." I give him back a smile.

He moves away from the door and uses his hands to make way for inside but it's dark.

"Come inside, Jade. I'm not going to eat you." He chuckles.

I mean... You usually do.

I make my way inside and as soon as he closes the door, he takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen where he has two plates set with chicken alfredo and a bottle of champagne chilling in a bucket of ice.

He offers me a smile once more. "Neva know seh yuh man a chef?"

He earns a chuckle from me. "We'll see if he is."

I take a seat followed by him and we both start to eat the food in front of us.

Much to my surprise, the pasta is cooked to perfection and has the perfect sauce and meat ratio. I don't even realize how good it is until I finally lift up my head to see that my plate is clean.

Tego pours me a glass of champagne and then himself one.

"Toast?" He offers shyly.

"To what?" I put my glass to his regardless.

"Us?" He sounds unsure.

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

"Telling." He answers quickly. "I'm telling you."

He clinks the brim of his glass to mine and then takes a sip.

"Cheers." I mumble and take a drink from my glass as well.

Tego makes himself busy by putting away the dishes in the sink.

"Close your eyes." He demands once he's finished.

"What? Why?" I'm confused.

He stands behind me to place his hands over my eyes and shuffles around for a bit.

He keeps shuffling for another minute or two until he finally removes his hands from my eyes.

The sudden vision reveals a card.

I push my eyebrows together in confusion before taking up the card to read the scribbles written across it.

"Your love has taken me to new heights,
And this is the only way I can show you.
Follow the string of rose petal lights,
You'll see just how much I adore you."

An involuntary smile makes its way across my face and I look up at him- he has the same expression but his eyes are searching for validation.

I decide not to give him verbal validation and instead look to the ground and search for the glowing rose petals.

"They're outside." He mumbles yet still trailing me.

I open the door and see them so I begin to follow them.

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