What happened again...

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🍭Cady's POV🍫
I was sitting In Terra's car. She seemed upset. I dunno why tho. I just sat there and soon fell asleep.
It was quiet for a while. And then i woke up in my bed.

Gabe: how was your rest cade?

Cady: none of your business. Thats how it was.

Gabe: let me guess...you don't remember anything?

Back to, 🍭Cady's POV🍫
How did he know I didn't remember? Was he there? Did i do something wrong? Was anyone there at all?
I got tapped again.

Gabe: so you don't.

Cady: can you stop trying to read my mind.

Gabe: someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Cady: i woke up in the middle of my bed. Thats not a side.

Gabe: oh yea....i guess so..


Gabe: alright, alright ill leave.

(New POV!!)
~mean while~

I woke up yada yada. Of course I had to look good. I always do. Terra had called me at 2am?!?!?!IS SHE INSANE??? So of course. I recalled. I waited for 5mins.SHE FINALLY ANSWERED.

Justina: why you call me at 2am.

Terra: thought yo ass was still up.

Justina: you stink.

Terra: I love you to!
She said teasing me.

Justina: geez I wish I could punch you rn.

Terra: and i wish i could kiss you to!

Justina: would you stop it!!! I didn't say anything about kissing whatsoever.

Terra: yk you wanna make out with me rn.

Justina: If i did i would come over.

Terra: pleaseeee

Justina: are you high or sum shit.

Terra: yk I don't do that stuff. And no i just luv ya.

Justina: Are you trying to get me to make out with you.

Terra: what if i said yes?

Justina: then I would block you.

Terra: what if I said no?

Justina: bye.

Terra: wait n-

I hung up on her! I didn't block her I was jst ignoring her. I got up and got dressed. I look beautiful as always!!!!! I know terr bear want some of this. She always wants some. I texted her. To let her know I was walking out for a walk. She agreed and said she was coming. But literally there was nothing to agree to. Confused face emoji!! I asked if harriett wanted to come. SHE SAID SHE WAS BUSY!!!! So i asked cady my bby. She said she was going to the museum with gabe. Ew. Friendship. So when i walked outside i saw terra waiting for me.

Justina: you really aren't the one to wait are you?

Terra: LES GO!!! Still wanna make out?

Justina: in ur dreams.

Terra: how about we make my dreams come true.

Justina: if im still in the mood we can.

Terra: yay!

We walked for hours. After that we walked to her house. I decided to stay since she didn't have any company. She kept begging me to make out w/ her. I did say if i was in the mood...and i am....so...i did.

Terra: your good in bed.

Justina: the fuck did you say?

Terra: nothing.

Justina: I am never coming over here again.

Terra: I luvvv you!!

Justina: I hate you.

Terra: cmon! Please say it once!!

Justina: fine...I love you.

Terra: wanna do it agai-

Justina: no.


🍭Cady's POV🍫
Istg im going to punch the shit out of gabe. He said he won't tell me what happened at the party last night!!! I threatened to punch him, but....he said im to weak. I think he said that bc im a girl. Did he say that bc im a girl. Ion know.

Gabe: I mean...i tell you one thing.


Gabe: your enemy was there.

Cady: which one theres, henry, you, sam, and kam, Noelle-

Gabe: Well they were all there but I'm talking about Noelle.

Cady: wha-?

Gabe: Cant tell you anything else.

Cady: dickhead.
I whispered under my breath.

Gabe: sorry shorty I can't quite hear you all the way up here.

Cady: I hate you.

Gabe: I hate you more.

Cady: can't say I don't hate you because i do.

Gabe: lighten up shorty.

Cady: Can you at least call me by my real name!!

Gabe: What's wrong with shorty? You mad bc you're short?

Cady: I'm not that short.

Gabe: is not that short 5'2?

Cady: I-...That's not even-...nevermind i give up.

Gabe: that's right.

Dang bro. I should've never insisted he come to the doctors with me. Now he calls me short! Im not that short...I think...Oh shiz..I just remember all girls are taller than me. Maybe I should go back to my dorm and cry about it. That sounds better.


When i got home, or to my dorm. I plopped down on my bed. And i fell asleep that way. But It wasn't s normal sleep. I cried myself to sleep. I also was watching on my phone and crying. Then I fell asleep and was snoring like a baby.

HEY GUYS! Sry if this is short I was literally just tired. 😭 Ion know if ima continue this. BUT. If you guys want me to i will:333 ok byeee!!>.<

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