both hers and JJ's heads shot up, both of their eyebrows furrowing. JJ wondered who she was talking about and Kiara wondered how she knew.

with a sigh, Kiara nodded her head, making JJ turn to Bambi, "wait, your both confusing me, who did she reject?"

Bambi looked at her boyfriend, "Pope. you didn't realise he had a thing for her?"

JJ shook his head, Bambi thought it would help but it just confused the boy even more, "Pope has a thing for you?"

Kiara ignored the question and looked at Bambi, "how did you know? did he tell you?"

"i didn't know." Bambi tried to put it simply, "well i did know but i didn't know, you know?"

"are you sure he wasn't just being weird Pope?" JJ asked, stuffing food in the box.

"it wasn't the kind of thing that needed interpretation." Kiara replied, grabbing bread and passing it to Bambi and JJ, "is that gonna be enough food for them?"

Bambi didn't realise that there was going to be a them, "them? whose them?"

Kiara furrowed her eyebrows and then sighed, realising she hadn't told the girl, "i was supposed to tell you, John B and Sarah."

Bambi let out a scoff, "Sarah? she's going with him? since when?"

"since i spoke to her through her window," Kiara told her, making the girl run a hand through her hair and begin closing the box of food.

"this should be enough." she nodded, going back to the original question, "it's not like they're going to be there for more than a couple weeks."

just before she grabbed the box so she could take it outside and into the car, Kiara stopped both her and JJ, "i think i actually hurt his feelings."

"look don't beat yourself up completely." JJ started, taking the box of Bambi so he could carry it instead as they walked outside, "he's completely changed in his feels, the past twenty-four hours have been like Jekyll and Hyde."

"i hate to admit it but i miss the old Pope." Kiara sighed, hating how the boy had acted recently "at least i knew what to expect from him."

they were stopped by Kiara's mom in front of them and Bambi furrowed her eyes, wondering how she didn't see her in the first place.

"where have you been?" she asked her daughter, throwing her arms out.

Bambi nudged JJ and nodded her head at the boot of the car, silently telling him to put the box in before Kiara's mom realised that it was her food.

"uh—i'm fine, i slept here," Kiara told her, pointing at the building behind her.

"well, we were out half the night, scared to death, lookin' for you." her mom complained, "were you even gonna tell us."

Bambi and JJ stood there awkwardly, they didn't know what to say or do in the situation they were in at the moment.

Kiara rolled her eyes, "i'm telling you right now."

"all right, what the hell are you three up to?" she asked nobody in particular.

"i'm sorry, miss Anna, we gotta go," JJ told the older woman, Bambi nodding beside him.

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