2: Policestation

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It was nice to sit in a car and to know where you were going.
I listened to a soft radio tune as I curled up into the seat.
The new clothes were very warm, but I liked it. It was way more comfortable than the plain black dress.

Some days had passed since we had gotten out of the commission's grasp, and now everyone was waiting for someone to take care of them, or well, they would be once the case would close.
I had to go in for questioning first. Some kids had gotten some questions, but as someone with a different 'role' I had to go to the police station very officially.

The police station was visible in the distance as Erasurehead rolled up to a parking lot. I discovered that I liked distances. The small room I had been was small, and ever since I was free I had discovered just how big the world was.

"Can we walk now?" I asked excitedly. It was amazing to do that. I never got to walk like the other kids, all I had to do was get up and show people what to do, to teach.

"Of course," Erasurehead got out of the car and opened my door, helping me with the safety.

He held my hand and offered me to go to a park after.

In the police station that was on my mind. Erasurehead lifted me up on the table as we waited for a detective.
The room was silent, and while Erasurehead explained why, I decided that I didn't like the room.
Finally the detective came in and sat down, shaking my hand very adult like.

As he asked me questions I kept on sitting on the desk, but I liked it there. I was allowed.

The questions were sometimes scary, but when they finished Erasurehead and I walked through a park. I smiled when I got to touch grass, literally.

As Erasurehead told me I could walk around, just not leave the park, he went to get something.
When he came back he held some food and explained it was a snack.
Ice cream.

"Here you go," Erasurehead hesitated. Then he said,"You need a better name than nineteen."

"I do?" I wondered before shrugging, "I don't know any other names."

"How about Azumi?"

I thought as I looked at the strange ice cream. Somehow it was liquid, but looked solid? I didn't understand.
"It's okay."

"Well, then eat up before it melts, Azumi."

I decided that I liked ice cream as I took a small bite.
"It's cold, it's milky..."

Aizawa looked at me weird.
"You're not really supposed to just bite, how aren't you getting brain freeze?"

I tilted my head, "What's a brain freeze?"

Aizawa mumbled an explanation as he lifted me up. It was late, so I was grateful. My legs were starting to get tired from walking. Eating my ice cream, I started to feel sleepy. In Aizawa's arms I fell asleep, the little ice left falling from the horn onto the ground.

The orphanage everyone got to stay was big. There were other kids who payed us no real mind while I made sure to keep track of where everyone was going.
Going as in going. Leaving. Getting a 'proper' life with a real family.
Three kids had been adopted already, some had family, others family friends... but there were a lot of kids still waiting for any answers. Did they have family?

Ah! A child!! (Mhaxchild?) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora