Christmas School Ball

30 3 0

"Shall we dance?"

Shall we dance?
What does he think?

I see him glance...
Don't move an inch!

Don't dare to offer me your hand,
I won't take it anyway!

Why is he still here?
Why does he stay?

"Uhum, shall we dance?"

No I don't think so!

Just turn around and leave me alone...

"Miss, are you alright?"

"Um yes, I am fine."

"I know what you're thinking."

His whisper... I sigh.

"Don't worry, I'll lead you."

Don't worry, I don't!

"I'm honoured, Miss..."

Stop calling me that!

"That I may lead your very first dance, tonight..."


As he gazes down at me
I see his devilish smile

It makes me feel sick
While I wonder why

There's this glance in his eyes
I've seen it before

I'd better turn my head away
And try to ignore...

"You look beautiful tonight."

He whispers in my ear

Now all I'd love to do is run
Far away from here!

He leads me, gently
His body close to mine

One dance
And only tonight!

I don't really like it
When people stare at me

I want to go
I want to flee...

"I'm not in front of the class."

I look at him, surprised

"Remember what you said, Miss?"

I'm a bit confused

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