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Renna's POV

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Renna's POV

"I can't believe she said that to you," Hazel exclaimed on the other end of the phone. After my conversation with Mom, I had sent her an SOS text, and she immediately called me.

I love her for that.

"That's typical of her; she calls because she wants something, but she can't help herself from saying something nasty about me anyway," I replied, anger simmering as I recalled the phone call with my mother.

Flashback, phone call 30 minutes ago

Renna, darling.

Darling? Seriously? What do you want?

I see you are still as irritable and rude as ever.

You're the one who raised me, so it's your fault, not mine. But if I may ask you, please get to the point because you doubtlessly don't just want to chat with me.

I don't want anything to do with you; you don't have to worry. I'm calling just because nobody else wants to be with you—

For God's sake, can you get to the point already?

In two weeks, there's a charity ball, and all the mafias are invited, so you'll come.

I don't understand why you need me there, but you'll drag me there even though I refuse to go, right?

Don't be ungrateful; it's the only thing we ask from you, and you still have some issues.

Send me the details—where and what time—I'll be there. As if I have a choice.

Dress appropriately so you don't embarrass us. I haven't seen you in a while, but surely you gain weight, so go on some diet to lose that and don't come looking like a pig. And—

I hung up on her because there's no one to listen to her nonsense. Even though I don't want to admit it, every time she says something like that, it hurts, even though I'm quite resistant to her words.

"Forget about her; it's not worth getting upset over. Did she let you know where the mafia ball is?" Hazel interrupted my thoughts.

I glanced at my phone, but there was no message. I sighed, "Nothing yet. Knowing her, she'll inform me two days before, as she always does." As I said that, I stood up and headed to the kitchen for a snack. I perused the candy cupboard and grabbed a bag of chips, pouring them into my favorite bowl with painted kittens on it. I returned to the living room, passing by Milo, who was nestled in his little spot next to the kitchen door.

"We should go to the club, blow off some steam, and forget about the whole world," Hazel suggested enthusiastically. I raised an eyebrow, even though she couldn't see me. "Club? What are we celebrating?"

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