Chapter Twenty Four : End

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"I need clothes packed for you and her both."


"Then I'll go get packed myself."


"Then I'll have a house set up for us and then we can just-"

"Grant!" Mommy yells. Daddy is holding me on his side. We're in my room.


"She's afraid of planes."

"I know I know she is. But it's okay. We'll get her on and safe. Here, she needs a change," Daddy says while handing me over to Mommy who smiles as she takes me.

"You sure Grant?"

"Yes Peyton. Get her changed and packed. I'll meet you on the plane."

I don't speak but I want to reach out for him. Instead, Mommy brings me over to my changing table and lays me down.

She smiles as she lifts the dress up and undoes the diaper to change me. She lifts my legs and changed me like normal.

Then she has me sit on the floor while she starts to grab things.

Will I go see my cousin?

Will she be upset that my mom is dead?

My mom.


I wipe fresh tears from my eyes and then just turn away from Mommy so she can't see.

I can hear her pull drawers out and other stuff.

Suddenly Jesse walks in and smiles at me, "Hi honey!" She bends down to me and rubs my head. "I heard you were packing. Want any help?"

"Yeah! Could you finish putting all of this in here. I have to go pack Grant and I's clothing. I'll take Spencer."

"Okay," Jesse's perky voice rings in my ears. Mommy bends down to me and lifts me up.

She carries me quickly into her and Daddy's room. She sets me on the bed and I watch as she packs ever so fast.

I wonder why she wanted me with her?

"Spencer. Mommy will be with you the whole time. Will that be fun?" I don't give any sort of response.

To be quite honest, I'm just tired and I want to be done with everything.

I lay on their bed and I just close my eyes. After a while I lose track of time and I feel like only seconds ago Mommy was packing and now it's time for her to pick me up again? I was awake the whole time so how can I lose track of time?

I keep my eyes closed and allow her to pick me up. "Can you get these on the plane please? Thanks," I can hear her warm smile.

"No problem Madam," I hear.

"Now let's get you onto the plane Spencer." I feel a bit soothed as I am being carried by Mommy. I open my eyes for one second but the lids on them feel heavy. I close them again and feel the movements of Mommy's legs.

Then I hear a door open. I feel her climb a staircase and hold my head. She steps inside and then takes a seat. A bit passes and voices murmur then I hear Daddy. But I feel content trying to sleep.

Planes terrify me and sleep will help me not think about dying on here.

"There are my two-"

"Sh, Spencer is sleeping," Mommy whispers.

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