Chapter Six : And She

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"Aw Baby Girl!" He wraps his arms around me and cradles me tightly. I cry into him and let his arms try to give me comfort. "We'll be off of this plane soon."

Soon? Yeah, I doubt it takes 5 minutes to get to England . . .

It takes literally 10 minutes for me to calm down. Even then I hold onto the president for a security blanket. He cradles me still and then he calls for someone.

My senses are on overload. He calls for the lady and she comes in giving the president a bottle. She then leaves and the president puts the tip to my lips.

I am thirsty but I don't know if I want it. I reluctantly open my mouth and start to suck, making my nerves calm down even more. I close my eyes and I feel as if I'm drifting.

The milk tastes differently, has more of a sweetness to it. Is this formula?

I don't really care . . .

What are you talking about?! You are forced into being a baby Spencer!

It isn't that bad . . .

Isn't that bad?! You have went to the bathroom in a diaper and you are drinking out of a bottle. This is bad. Way bad.

No it's not! It's alright cause I haven't felt more loved in my life. I never had a father either. And if this means I get to have a dad, I'm okay with this. I'm a baby again, what's the downside to that?

It's gross Spencer, you are 16 years old okay? Not a baby.

Whatever . . .

The president coos at me and notices that I'm not struggling anymore. He smiles and bends down to kiss my head.

He rocks me as we go along. I didn't think it was possible for me to be tired but this milk is slowly making me sleepy. Maybe there's a chemical in the milk . . .

I close my eyes and feel calm as I drift to sleep.

My eyes shoot open as I hear an alarm, a really bad alarm. The president holds me tightly and I can't move at all. I don't know how to deal with any of this as of right now. The president buckles up but still holds onto me. There's a feeling in the pit of my stomach and I freak out. I think I don't speak as fear takes over.

I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. Please help me, oh God.

I think I vomit?

My eyes open quickly and I realize I'm being carried to something else? I think I wet myself from the nightmare . . .

I see another plane and I start to freak out and cry. I grab my heart as it starts to hurt.

"Baby Girl? You okay Baby? Daddy's got you."

I wrap my arms around his neck and sob. Then I feel his hand down around my lower area.

"Was Baby Girl scared?"

I nod my head. He shushes me and then we step onto another plane. When we get on I hold onto him tighter. He sits down again.

"I'll change you after we take off," he soothes me. We do take off and I don't remove my head from his neck, neither does he. We get in the air and then he unbuckles his seat belt.

He carries me to a back area without anyone in it. He sets me on the ground and pulls out a new diaper from the bag that is next to him.

I can feel the airplane fly securely and I feel a little better but scared all at the same time. I also feel a breeze down there. He lifts my legs up and wipes down that area before putting another diaper on me. He then tosses the diaper away and sanitizes his hands.

He lifts me back up and just rocks me back and forth, soothing me as we fly. The feeling that I had received in the pit of my stomach is still there but only traces can be found.

He shushes me and rubs my back as I lay my head on his shoulder. My thumb nail comes to my mouth as I bite softly upon it. I stare at the wall of the plane and I wait and wait, but I don't know for what.

Then, I can feel my stomach grumble, but I don't know what for.

Am I hungry? Or is it something else?

Please let me be hungry . . .

The president hears this and walks back into the main area. "Mr. President?"

"Can you get me a little bag of chips and a sandwich?"

"Yes sir," the person speaks. As the president spoke I could feel the vibrations on his body. It makes me feel like an actual child. It makes me feel calm and cared for. It makes me feel . . .

Loved . . .

Small . . .

Special . . .

I am sat down on the seat next to him, but I want to be held even more.

Knock it off Spencer . . .

Shut up you . . .

No you shut up!

I told you!

"Baby, Daddy's gotta feed you okay? I'll hold you afterwards." I put my arms down and wait until the guy comes back with food.

But I still don't know if I'm hungry or if I have to . . . yeah.

The guy eventually does come back with Sun Chips and a strawberry jelly Uncrustables sandwich.

He hands it to the president, "Here you are sir."

"Thanks Fred." The man walks away and the president opens the chip bag slowly. There's only him and I in this area. I can hear some talk behind us so we're not totally alone like when he changed me. "Open up Baby Girl." So I do. He puts a chip in my mouth and I eat it, loving the taste.

I stare out the window at the blueness and I smile to myself as that is my favorite color ever. But then I notice the clouds become a little darker as we go on.

"Baby Girl? Look at Daddy." So I turn my head and eat another chip as I can't do anything more.

He feeds me the rest of the bag and then opens the sandwich.

"Can you eat this on your own?" I nod. He about hands me the sandwich when he pulls it back. "Can you call me Daddy again? D-ad-dy," he sounds out.

"Please . . . Daddy . . ." I mutter, clearly embarrassed.

"Good girl." He hands me the sandwich and I slowly munch on it. He gets on his phone and starts doing stuff. I stare out the window and I start to think about crashing.

I finish the small sandwich and fix my eyes to the window. Suddenly rain hits the glass and I jump.

"What's wrong Baby? Are you scared?" I turn back to look at him and he sees the fear in my eyes. At least I think he does with his next actions.

He scoots closer and wraps his arms around me. He points to the window and then looks at me. I look up at his face as he smiles.

"It's just the rain sweetheart. See? It won't hurt you. We should be in London soon anyway."

"Wh-where will I go?"

"We will have Jesse take you separately to the same place I'm at okay?"

For some odd reason, I feel like I can't leave him.

"No! I want to stay with you," I speak, more like whine.

"Baby Girl, Daddy will see you when you get to the hotel. Daddy will then feed you, give you a bath and put your pj's on you. How does that sound Baby?" I don't know how to respond. I don't want to be given another bath let alone be conscious through it. "Baby, answer Daddy," he demands.

"Yes Daddy," I mumble, wanting to please him.

"You didn't answer Daddy's question Baby. How does that sound?"

"Good Daddy," I mumble again.

"Good girl." He hugs me as I still stare out the window.

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