Chapter Two : Upon

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He grabs me as I crawl away. I scream but he acts like I don't.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I push away and he just holds me close. I still try to push but he still holds me down.

I scream in rage and in fury. Then I become fed up and I literally start to sob.

He just holds me and tries to calm me down but he's the reason why I'm sobbing.

I cover my face with my hands to hide them from him. My palms become wet and I sniffle as I start to slowly stop crying.

I remove my hands and wipe my face off. He takes his hand and wipes my tears away as well. I don't move as he touches me.

"Okay, how about this: I show you around and then we can go play." I don't speak a word. He smiles and carries me out of the dining room and back into the hallway we were previously in. He shows me his bedroom and a ton of other rooms. I still don't speak.

Is he getting tired of carrying me? Why should I care? Why am I here? Why isn't anyone helping me? What did he do to my legs? Why is he treating me like an actual baby? I'm a teenager . . .

He then carries me to this room full of toys. It has tons and tons of toys in it. "This, Baby Girl, is your toy room. Do you want to go see where Daddy works?" He doesn't get a response. "Okay. I'll go show you anyway." So he carries me to the Oval Office. It's smaller than I thought it would be. He sets me down on one of the couches and shakes out his arms as he heads to his desk.

I know I won't be able to crawl off and escape so I don't even bother. I sit there and watch his movements. "Spencer, Daddy has a present for you." He comes over with a little box. He opens it and inside is a pacifier with a fox on it.

My favorite animal, how in the world does he know that?!

He takes it out and puts it up to my lips. I keep them closed.

Why would I want to suck on a pacifier?! I didn't want the bottle for gosh sakes.

"If you don't suck on this I will spank you."

Spanking? Seriously?

I still push it away from my mouth. "Okay then. You'll get spanked." He sets down the pacifier and grabs me. He bends me over his knee and I push away. He slaps me and I feel a sting of pain.

"Stop! Get off of me!" He does it again and I wince. "Stop!" My voice cracks just a bit. He does it a lot more times and I stop fighting. I wince every time he does it and it hurts a lot.

When he's done he flips me back over and cradles me. I close my eyes and wish I could just die.

"Next time you disobey Daddy, it'll be bare bottom."

"You're not my Daddy . . . " I speak softly.

"You'll realize that I am soon enough. I know this may be difficult for you Spencer but you'll have to get used to it one way or another. You're a baby and babies have to be cared for. Now suck on your pacifier like a good girl."

He reaches and grab the pacifier from the table. He puts it to my mouth and I reluctantly open it and let him put the nipple between my lips. He smiles and I just hold it there in my mouth. Then I start to suck on it a bit and it reveals to be comforting and relaxing.

"Good girl. Okay. Are you hungry?" I shake my head no. "Alrighty then. Well this is where Daddy works." He sits me back up on the couch. I look down at the dress and I fidget with the lace at the bottom. I don't want to look him in the eye because he made me suck on this and get spankings which I haven't received since I was two. "Daddy doesn't want to hurt you Baby Girl. It's just you have to be punished if you don't obey. How about we show you all the other places huh?"

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