Chapter Twenty Two : Forever

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She still pins me down and I just lay there wishing I was back with my Mommy and Daddy.

I want to be with them and have them care for me. I don't want to be in this sleezy motel with regular clothing. I want to be in a diaper again.

"P-please get off of me." She eases back up. I pause then, "Can I go to the bathroom?"

"With the door open. Or would you like a diaper?" I sit up and blush. "You are not allowed to ever go back there. And you are to only use the bathroom and act your age. I will not ever let you be like your cousin."

"What do you mean?"

"Kimberlee? Yeah she's into the dumb DD/lg thing. Or should I say forced by my idiot brother. Which is your idiot uncle."

"DD/lg isn't dumb," I mumble.

"Excuse me?!" She raises her voice.

"It isn't dumb! I want to go back! Let me go!" She stands up and slaps me. I hold my face. I then get up, run to the bathroom, shut the door and lock it. I note a window big enough to crawl out of.

Just my luck.

I smile and listen as my old mother yells at me and bangs on the door. I stand on the toilet and open the window. I peek my head out and I see nothing but ground and a ledge over to the side. The side away from my mother. I carefully lift my body outside of the window and stand up gently. I'm cautious so I don't fall down and die.

Outside is dark and orange dim street lamps are lit up on the nearby road. I also see a bridge with more lamps.

It was light out last time I checked...I had just woken up.

My hands start to sweat and I see my mother on the balcony to my left.

"Not a good time to have sweaty hands Spencer!" I yell at myself.

"Spencer please come back to me. You can't leave! Please honey," she begs.

"You're crazy and I hate you!" I yell. She starts to climb on the balcony railing and I move quickly. I see the other ledge and I look at her. She seems pissed.

She reaches for me. My heart beats so fast. I close my eyes and I try not to think about the fifty foot fall.

I breath and then jump to the other railing. My hands leave the solid contact for a moment. I feel my body fly in the air then my gut connects with the railing and the wind is knocked out of me.

The hotel room balcony that I'm on is dark and not lit up whatsoever.

I climb over and then look down. There are two more railings below not far. I climb back over and my hands land on the bottom of the balcony. I drop and grab that railing. I look up to not see my mother anymore.

"Fuck!" I slide down and then drop once more and I land on concrete. My bones start to hurt. "Fuck a fucking duck!" I roll back up and see a wet spot on my jeans. "Well I just pissed myself," I comment.

I ignore the pain and I start to run away. I hear the yelling of my mother and I look back.

Bad idea.

She's booking it to me and I keep running as fast as I can. I have no idea where I'm going but I need to get away. I see the bridge and I see some city across it. I run faster than I have ever done in my life. Faster then when Daddy kidnapped me for the first time.

I never imagined I would be running away from my own mother.

"Come on Spencer!" I yell at myself.

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