Chapter Fifteen : New

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The door opens slowly and I turn around. The pacifier out of my mouth when I see who it is.

She shuts the door and looks at me with kind eyes. "Hi Spencer," Peyton smiles.


"Okay, I know you don't wanna do this so therefore I am taking you home."

How many days has it been?

"Your mother is worried Spencer. She misses you. I know you can't move your legs, so I got this." She pulls out a needle from her arm sleeve.

Freedom? Is that possible now?

She comes over to me and pulls down the sock to stick the needle in me. I don't feel anything but then I can feel numbness in my legs.

Pins and needles, not pleasant.

I shake out my legs for the first time in a couple of days.

"Okay so I have your clothes for you. We need to go." She helps me stand and I wonder why she's doing this.

I have a hard time walking for a bit, to the door anyway.

After that we run through the halls to another door. It's a closet. She turns on the light and I see a pile on a shelf.

My clothes!

"I'll be back in five minutes. Do not answer unless you hear five soft knocks. Got it?"

"Yes," I speak.

She leaves and I dress quickly. I tie my shoes and wait. I then hear a soft rapping against the door, five times.

She opens the door and motions for me to come out. We rush to another door.

It goes downstairs?

"Go down there and exit through the first door on your left. That will lead you to a car. You will get in that and then I will meet you in there in a little bit." She urges for me to go down. The door shuts behind me so I quickly run down the stairs and to the door on my left. I go through it and sure enough there was a car there, just waiting for me to go to.

It was parked on a sidewalk and there were secret service men standing there.

I ran to the car as one of the men opened the door. I rushed in.

I'm going home. No more missing my mom or my best friend. Finally!

I sit there and relax as I move my legs around. It feels so amazing to finally feel my legs again.

Minutes later I see someone heading to the car. She climbs in and smiles at me. The door shuts and then the car starts.

"Okay Spencer. I've located your house, we will be traveling to the block away. You will be dropped off in a secure location, then you will walk home. The only thing you tell your mother is that you were kidnapped by crazy people who wanted a baby. You won't necessarily be lying, as Grant . . . well . . . anyway. You will only be saying that. You don't know their names as they only wanted you to call them Daddy and Mommy. You escaped by running away. They tried to look for you but you ran faster than expected. Is that clear?"

"Yes ma'm."

"Good, we should be on our way."

We get probably about 15 minutes down the road when the First Lady gets a call.

"Hello?" I can barely hear who is on the other end.

"Peyton . . ." an angered voice speaks.

"What Grant?"


"It's for her own good Grant! She can't be trapped by you. She's not even yours."

"I will get her back. Actually right about now."

"No-" suddenly the car is hit from the side and before I can even blink we are up against a wall. The glass isn't broken but it isn't perfect either. I can barely make out the shape of a brick wall beyond the tinted window.

The First Lady is holding her head, her cellphone on the ground. I can't move, I feel pinned here.

The First Lady looks around as then the secret service men are proceeding to help her.

She gets pulled out of the car by the men while she's trying to grab for me.

My head is spinning and I'm trying to concentrate on moving my arms to help myself get out but my limbs are stuck. I close my eyes and open them as a booming echoes through my head.

Like someone is pounding a hammer on my skull. The First Lady keeps trying to come back for me but she is pulled away.

Then totally different guys climb into the car. They look like ninjas. They don't speak at all, well I probably can't hear them with the booming in my mind.

My eyes close as I don't have the energy to keep them open. I feel hands prying around me. My arms become free but I don't care. It hurts, all of it now that the pressure is off.

"Get her legs!" Someone hisses.

Then I feel pressure off of my legs. More pain.

I just got my legs back too! Ugh!

I am carried out, my eyes open to see a guy in a mask and black clothes.

I'm gonna die . . . my tongue is gonna get ripped out. I don't wanna die!

Then I am placed in someone else's arms. I feel a burning sensation and I think I scream but then my mouth is covered with the same chemical as before.

I don't dream, at all. When I awaken I'm in someone's arms. My eyes slowly open to see Daddy holding me.

"Well hi Spencer. You were a naughty baby weren't you? That's okay Princess, Daddy understands. You just wanted to see your old mommy and best friend. How about if I let you see cameras with them on it?"

"D-Daddy," I try to move but I'm numb all over.

"What is it Princess?"

"What happened?" I also notice I can hear water flowing and seagulls calling.

"Well Princess, after the car accident you were taken out and then you were numbed because your legs are broken. And your arms were almost broken. But you were in pain Baby. I can't let my Baby Girl be hurt."

I close my eyes again and just rest. I can't move anything at all, I can't feel anything at all.

How long will the numbing last?

"Princess, guess what?" I open my eyes again to see that he sat me up. He points to a beach and I smile as I lay my head down on his shoulder. I guess I can move my head.

That's good.

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