Chapter 15 - A New Enemy

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"If you're going to board, I would do so now. There are multiple fighters approaching; I don't think Keeper intends to welcome us after destroying his Arena."

"Drop us more lines, then," Wrecker grumbled, whirling around after a laser soared over his shoulder. "We're stuck down here!"

Echo stepped onto the platform outside the door to drop two new lines, and Wrecker beckoned for Omega, lifting her so she could reach. Jade barely moved a muscle except to glance at a dark opening in the wall. Very few guards were streaming out, now, but Jade knew Keeper would salvage what he could. Most of his "reputation" was heavily guarded underground or in surrounding buildings. There were still captives, oblivious to the chaos currently surrounding them. Were they still in the factories, or had Keeper ordered everyone back to their district lodging?

"I'm sorry," Jade said, backing away. "I have to do this."

Hunter turned around and frowned, tilting his head as if trying to read her thoughts. They were so close, and Jade knew it would take too long to explain. Besides that, she was afraid of a reasonable response. They understood loss, and they knew how to cope with it. Jade didn't want any of it. She already felt guilty, and anything new would destroy her.

Yes, she was likely acting foolishly. No, she didn't expect Hunter or any of the others to follow her. She hoped they wouldn't.

"Get her out of here. I made a promise," Jade finished, pointing to Omega, who hadn't started climbing.

"No, don't!" Hunter's voice increased in volume when Jade ignored the initial "no" and broke into a run.

Did it work? No, of course not.

She jumped off of the platform and rolled to a stop, picking herself up and heading straight for the opening. A few guards attempted to stop her, but not many. Jade was thankful; she was ignoring the fact that she was seriously exhausted and not ready for another full-blown battle. She needed to face Keeper, that was all. She glanced behind her, and Hunter was standing on the edge of the platform, watching her for a moment before turning around and saying something to Wrecker. She was a little surprised they hadn't said anything over comms, or perhaps they were waiting for the right time. Once Jade entered the hall, she knew her own time was limited. She located the stairs that would lead to Keeper's tower. She didn't think he would have gotten very far.


"Did she just –"

"Yes, she did," Hunter sighed, answering Wrecker's question and dumbfounded stare.

Maybe it was slightly impressed, too.

"Wrecker, get on the tail gun and help Tech deal with the fighters. Echo, we're going after Jade," Hunter ordered, and Omega started to slip off of the rope she was clinging to.

After being exposed to the dangers and horrors of the Arena, Hunter was honestly surprised Omega was even willing to look for Jade, but he shook his head before her feet could reach the ground. He gave her a stern look Omega knew better than to object to.

"You'll be joining Tech and Wrecker," Hunter insisted, and Omega's face fell.

"I want to help you. What if you don't reach Jade in time?" Omega spoke softly, and Hunter's frown shifted.

"She can hold her own until we get there. Be ready when we need a pickup," Hunter reassured, but Omega didn't seem satisfied.

Echo landed on the platform and locked eyes with Omega, tugging on the rope to get her attention.

"Once we get there, Jade will be fine. We'll reason with her and make sure she doesn't do anything she'll regret later, got it?"

Omega nodded stiffly and scurried up the line, Wrecker following suit. A few guards attempted to stop the clones – Wrecker and Omega included – from getting too far, but Hunter and Echo bought them time, their aim true. Once Wrecker and Omega were safely inside, Hunter motioned towards the dark opening Jade had disappeared into. They sprinted across the Arena and entered the large hall just as the Marauder rose towards the jagged sky.

Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Keeper's ArenaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang