019 | This quest can suck a butt

Start from the beginning

"Eli?" Percy's voice calmed her nerves, which she half thought she was imagining it, "I got you something-"

His voice trailed off for a moment as she turned back around to see a soaked-from-head-to-toe Percy standing awkwardly with the tower clock that Nefeli had smiled at on the top of the arch.

"Well I just thought since you know it's your first time outside and all-" Percy fumbled over his words, not understanding why but the way Nefeli looked up at him left him speechless.

"Percy!" Nefeli remembered how to speak just fine as she took cautious steps to him, and when she was close enough for the tips of there shoes to touch, she went on her tip toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. 

The weight of worry was lifted off of her shoulders as she rejoiced in the fact that he was alive. Her smile stretched from ear to ear and the smell of salt was never so sweet than this moment in time that they shared. With her arms outstretched over his neck he wrapped his arms around the middle of her back.

"Your lucky I trust you." Percy mumbled into her strawberry scented hair, it made sense why Luke enjoyed hugging her for a long period of time.

Realizing that she needed to let go to hear him better, she backed away for a moment, saying something about her being grateful he trusted her but Percy didn't hear anything she said.

"Thank you Percy, eww there's seaweed in it." Nefeli smiled taking the clock tower and shaking it out, laughing when the water accidentally got in her mouth.

Percy looked at her like he had a million times before, he examined her smile like a million times before, her laugh was the only sound making it though to her ears like a million times before, however something new happened. Looking at her he came to the conclusion that if she asked him he would move the heavens and the earth where she saw fit or die trying. He looked at her and knew he would answer every question she ever had about the outside world with a smile because he could never get enough of the look she got in her whiskey colored eyes when she was curious about something.

In that moment he realized he didn't just like the girl, but was slowly falling in love with her. And he also knew he'd ruined any chance of gaining her love because of what he said earlier that day.

Oh come on.

"Percy!" Grover's cracking voice brought Percy back from his thoughts. Percy tried his best to plaster on a smile at the sight of his best friend, but he really wanted to turn his head to see what Nefeli was doing.

"Finally." Annabeth shook her head when she came into view for the three who where standing waiting for her.

"Please don't be mad- okay it was Eli's plan and-" Percy quickly tried to justify what happened at the top of the Arch. Nefeli was too busy trying to dry the clock so she could put it in the fashionable bag she took.

"We're just happy you're okay." Annabeth rolled her eyes with a smile tugging at the end of her lips. The group had never been happier to see each other, "What happened?"

"Short version," Percy felt his fathers presence just thinking of what happened under the water, "We need to go to Santa Monica."

"Isn't that the fat dude the Christians believe in?" Nefeli raised a brow looking at the three with genuine concern for why Santa would be a woman named Monica and a place they need to head too.

"No this is a place..." Grover paused, "A place we can't get to fast."

"The police think we destroyed the train and the Arch." Nefeli clicked her tongue placing the semi-dry clock into her bag her feelings about the gift were unclear. Well more so the gift giver than the gift itself, she loved the gift.

"So we can't get a ride anywhere that requires a ticket." Grover finished Nefeli's thought catching Percy up to speed with what happened under water.

"What option does that leave us with?" Percy looked at Annabeth, the woman with the answers most of time.

"Taking turns giving Nefeli a piggy back ride because we're hitchhiking." Annabeth shrugged, "I still have a map in my pouch."

"More walking." Nefeli groaned as everyone started to walk to Santa Monica, "This quest can suck a butt."

Percy and Nefeli walked behind Annabeth and Grover who naturally fought over navigating. Grover has the calling and Annabeth had the facts- not such a great mix but it was entertaining at least.

The two who were walking slow had their minds racing. Percy stressed over the never before felt feelings he was devolving for Nefeli, the shocking realization was more uprising than him getting poisoned, falling from over five hundred feet in the sky, and meeting his father. He couldn't imagine liking her because she was so easy to like, it was a trap to fall for her. It was so easy with her but at the same time it was hard.

She wasn't easy to like in the way Percy had pretty much shrugged off her feelings the entire quest. 

Well the princess of drool had a lot on her mind as well, somewhat Percy related. The three women on the bench with the yarn had started to ring a bell. 

The fates.

Growing up being able to tell prophecies she started to read about other Mythological people who could do somewhat the same. It wasn't long before she came across the fates.

One of them was going to die, it was set in stone the moment the rusted scissors snipped. But who was the lucky person?


I know it's short but I needed you to marinate with all that happens here.

schools back in sessions 4 me so if i don't update each day that's why 😞

yes I will be adding the Lotus scene. POKER FACE POKER FACEEEE

unedited per usual 

unedited per usual 

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