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Iris and dd get out the shower after finishing washing up. Dd washes his hands and brushes his teeth. Iris washes her face, brushes her teeth then does her skincare. It's about 1 in the afternoon and Iris has some orders to pack up. She texts keyah to come over and help her, as keyah has been gone ever since the friend-get together.

Keyah reads her message and hearts it as she's in bed with notti. Both naked, he's sleep, scratches all over his back, and the bed has a huge wet spot. Keyah sighs tip toeing to the shower and taking a quick shower. After that she brushes her teeth, washes her face and puts on his shirt, his boxers, and his sweatpants. She ties the back of the shirt up to make it look a bit cuter. She puts on her uggs she left in the bathroom overnight and she walks out the bathroom. He's sitting up on his phone checking the time.

"Ma where you going?" He says getting up from the bed. "To Iris's she wants me to help her pack some of the PLT orders." Keyah says smiling at him. "Alright lemme come with you." He says changing his shirt, applying some deodorant, changing his PSDS boxers, and snd slipping on some sweatpants. Her mouth drops open as he just changed in front of her.

Notti stares at her. "Whatcu waiting for?" He says laughing. "Oh Okay let's go." She says grabbing her purse and her keys.

As they arrive at Iris apartment complex. Keyah types in the code since her apartment was gated. "0987." She types in and pulls into her usual parking space. She gets out the car and so does notti. They walk into the lobby and request her room number. "879." They got into the elevator as it seems iris had accepted there request. Notti looks at Keyah. Keyah notices it and her heart starts to beat. Then the elevator dings. They walk to her number. "870....873...875....879!" Notti walks up and knocks on the door but keyah stops him as she has a key.

Iris slips on her unreleased PLT set and as her undergarments she uses her black Victoria secret set. She hears a knock and goes to open the door, but it's already being unlocked. Iris is greeted with her "sister." , keyah. "Hey girl!!" She says hugging her bestfriend. Dd comes out the room to see notti right beside keyah. Iris drags keyah into her room and locks the door.

Notti and dd stare in disbelief "so.. you gonna tell me why you were with lakeyah and she was wearing your clothes?" Dd says starring at notti. Notti nods and they sit on the couch.
He takes off his shoes and sits his feet up on the table. Notti tells dd everything, and dd laughs. "We knew it." Dd says quietly.

Iris and Keyah walk into the bedroom and iris asks Keyah so many questions. "Why are you wearing nottis clothes, why is your hair messed up, where are your clothes?, where were you. And did yall fuck??" Keyah looks at her bestfriend. "1. I didn't have any, 2. Long story, 3. At his house, soaked. 4. Nottis house, 5. Yes..." she sighs. Iris's eyes widened. "So are yall together?" She looks at her bestfriend and she doesn't even know. "Let's just pack these orders , nosy."

Iris and Keyah get to packing the orders, and they finish around 5. The family dinner starts at 7. Keyah and iris leave the room and dd and notti are on the game. They stare at each other and laugh. "Cmon boys we needa get ready for this family dinner." Iris says. Dd follows iris into her room and they shut the door. Iris and dd match outfits. They take a picture to be posted on instagram soon. Keyah and notti don't match but they coordinate. Keyahs hair is curled and ina slick back, notti has his curls out.

Iris has her hair in a 40 inch. Bussdown and dd has his hair in a slick back. Showing off his clean hairline. They all look at each other and leave again, in DDS black 2026 BMW.

Iris, Dd, keyah and notti all arrive at the dinner around 6:30. Iris sighs and gets out the car and dd follows behind her, his hands on her waist. "Walk him like a dog sis.". Keyah thinks to herself, happy for her friend.  Notti surprisingly puts one of his hands on keyahs waist, pulling her in front of him. They enter the big house, greeted by cousins and aunties, nieces and nephews.

One niece stands out to iris. And not in a good way. Iris and dd take a seat across from her mother. Keyah and notti sit beside the two. Iris stares darts into mieche. Who's her cousin. This was j's sister. Mieche was starring at her man and she did not take this well. Dd mugged mieche, peeping how Iris didn't like her. Then jela walks in.

The whole family goes quiet as jela is the head since father died. Iris smiles at her mom, looking around the room for edot who just walked in. "time is money, Elijah." Jela says smiling at her only son. Everyone looks around at edot, and Iris. Iris patted the seat she left opened for edot. Edot got situated and sat by her.

"Now you all must be wondering why I called you here today." Jela says. "Yeah because your greedy family is trying to hog all of assets, your HUSBAND LEFT US!" someone raises there voice. Jela ignores them and continues with her speech. "Today we will be re-opening the will, as to we found a few papers left by my husband about the affairs of the will." Iris tensed up hearing this and dd comforted her kissing her on her forehead. Mieche glared at Iris.

Jela continued her speech. "Now you all may eat." She says sitting at the head of the table! The sanctuary was big, and beautiful. Dd starred at his beautiful girlfriend, whom he wanted to make his wife little did she know. Iris smiled getting up and dd following behind. But before they could leave the scene miche got up to. She ran over to dd and grabbed his arm. Which he yanked back.  "Soo..how long have you two been together." She says. "5 months". Iris says pushing her back. "Chill on my man." Mieche glares at her , mumbling some words than walking off.

After an hour.

Jela had explained the whole situation to the family. She explained how they would rejoice in about 7 months to split the will up AGAIN . Iris sighed in the car, leaning onto dds shoulder. Iris looked back at Keyah and notti to see them making out. "WOW GUYS REALLY?" She said covering her eyes. "Not like you and dd haven't done it a thousand times." Notti says snickering. Keyah lets out a giggle and she sits back in her seat. "Um actually we don't make out infront of family who is so graciously taking us home." Dd says sounding sassy. Iris laughs and smiles at her boyfriend.

Dd and Iris drop them home and head home to there apartment. Dd had paid some people, to set up the apartment while they were gone. 🫣 Iris would be in for a surprise.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑫 𝑫𝑬𝑴𝑶𝑵 | ᴅᴅ ᴏsᴀᴍᴀ ' Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt