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Iris found her self texting dd a lot more than friends would do. It's been a few months since the threat. Dd was over at her house rn, they were cuddled up watching a movie. He was inbetween her legs and she was playing with his hair. He looked up at her, and smiled. Keyah was over at Milas house. So it was just those two. He turned around getting ontop of her and starring at her.

Iris looked down at him. The room was dark and the door was shut. The covers were messed up, her hair was in a bun, he was in a white beader, and she was in a bra and some shorts. He leaned up and kissed her. It took her by surprise but she kissed him back. His hands started roaming her body, and soon he was against the head board and she was ontop of him. They were having a heated make out session, and he slid her pants off.

Iris stopped the two before anything could go further. "Im a virgin, dd." He groaned looking at his boner. "I've never done anything with anyone." Iris said looking shy. "For real?" He said looking up at her putting his hands around her waist. "For real." He smiled and nodded. "I can wait." He said and she felt comfort. "You never did anything with jermaine?" He asked. "No but he always tried to ." She said shyly, looking away. He grabbed her neck softly forcing her to look at him and she kissed her on the lips for one last time.

Dd took Iris off his lap and sat her next to him,cuddling up onto her. She smiled knowing he was so good to her and never rushed her into anything. She found herself falling Inlove with the Dominican boy.


The next day.

Iris had woken up in dds arms and it felt good. She wiggled her way out of his grasp to use the bathroom. She did her normal routine, using her turmeric soap and her other skincare products. She brushed her teeth and tied her robe onto her.

A knock at the door. She was shocked, praying it wasn't edot, jay, notti , ddot, or the least of all jermaine. But it was her bestfriend. "Keyahhhh." She hugged her bestfriend and Keyah walked in with her bags. "I missed you bestie!" She said loudly. "Shhh." She put her hands over her lips and she lead her to her room, to show her a sleep, shirtless dd. Keyah gasped. "Did yall-?" "No, but we almost girl." Iris laughed going into her kitchen to make her some hot chocolate.

Keyah looked at her , "what do you mean almost?" Keyah asked confused. "Well you know how im a virgin still right?" Iris asked, opening her hot chocolate package. "Yes." "Well I told him, and im not ready, and girl guess what he said." "What!!" "He said he finna wait for me." Iris said with a surprised expression. She poured her hot chocolate into the cup and poured hot water in the mug and putting in into the microwave for 30 secs

Keyah had her mouth open as that was a first and she smiled. "Good im glad you got someone good for you bestie." "Im glad I did to." "Now what about you and Mila." "Girl we was getting into it." As keyah made the scissoring motion. "LAKEYAH!" I gasped. As keyah was telling me the details, dd walked in and got behind me wrapping his arms around me. I tapped my fingers 2 times onto the counter as that was me and keyahs signal. Keyah smiled and winked at me before she left to her room.

Dd was happy , he kissed Iris all down her neck and then kissed her forehead. Iris smiled and as she was about to kiss dd she smelt something. "Did you brush your teeth." "Nah why?" "Do it now." "Does it smell that bad." He laughed. "Yes." She tried dodging his kiss but he wrapped his hands around her neck giving her a slow tongue kiss.

Iris heart was beating. And not the heart you think it was. She could tell he wanted her bad, but couldn't give it to him , just yet. At this point it had been 5 months into there relationship and there 6th month was coming up soon and fast.

Dd left her to go brush his teeth and she smiled. She had something planned today. She would get the whole gang together today so they could hang out.

A knock at the door, "again??" She thought. "Jermaine if this is you just know your gonna getcho ass whooped again." And as she opened the door, her eyes widened, it wasn't jermaine, it wasn't edot, it wasn't notti, or ddot, or even Mila. It was her mom.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑫 𝑫𝑬𝑴𝑶𝑵 | ᴅᴅ ᴏsᴀᴍᴀ ' Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang