Chapter 56

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Ares Simon's POV:

Leaning against the cold hospital wall, my eyes meticulously tracked her every movement from the hallway as she rose from her seat, dropping the pen and hurried towards the door.

I straightened up, the cold metal of the door responding to a swift knock, and I pulled it open. Her steps abruptly halted upon meeting me, her head snapping up, gaze rising to meet mine.

An audible gasp escaped her lips, eyes widening like saucers, locked in an unblinking gaze with mine.

I absorbed the sight of her petite figure as she stood before me, barely reaching my upper torso. She adorned a quarter-sleeved navy blue frock, a blend of silk and velvet, gracefully cascading down her knees, paired with simple black slippers. Her complexion appeared pale, while her amber eyes were puffy and slightly reddening, a result of restraint and a lack of sleep. The natural rosy hue of her lips had faded, leaving them pale, raw, and swollen due to the continuous anxious biting she had been engaged in for the past thirty minutes.

Elysia blinked twice with a subtle shake of her head, before her eyes met mine again. Another small gasp escaped her lips, a realization dawning that I was indeed standing right in front of her. Slipping my hands inside the pants pockets, I observed calmly as various shades of disbelief flickered across her face.

In shock, I presumed, and frankly, it was valid...

"Mrs. Elysia Ares Knight," I began in a low voice so only she could hear, intentionally emphasizing each word. "Please step aside. I would like to see my mother-in-law." My eyebrows raised in interest when Elysia's lips parted further at my words, forming a small 'o'. Yet, she remained frozen, staring at me in disbelief.

Observing her reluctance to move, I inclined my head, maintaining our unwavering eye contact. Slowly nearing her ear, I whispered, "Sweetheart, you have a whole life to stare at me, but right now, your mother is waiting. So, shall we?"

Elysia's eyes widened further if it was even possible. She looked like she couldn't believe what I just said. Her pale complexion transformed into a darker shade of red, the plum under her eyes turning crimson, reaching down her nose, cheeks and neck. Amusement flickered in my eyes as I observed her reaction, though I kept my expressions composed.

When she abruptly stepped back in a haste, I instinctively reached for her small waist, placing a steadying hand on her back to prevent any stumble or collision with the wall due to her clumsiness.

"Careful," I said, holding her.

We really need to work on her clumsy actions...

Four days, seven hours, fifteen minutes and thirty seconds as of now...

The excruciating wait over these past few days felt like a torment for me, missing her to no end. The yearning grew more intense with each passing second – a desperate need to see her, feel her presence, and have her close.

As the subtle essence of jasmine intertwined with the faint citrus notes of her shampoo surrounded me, I resisted the overpowering desire to pull her into my embrace right then and there.

A shiver ran through her body beneath my touch, mirroring the tremor within me. My surprised gaze met hers, searching her beautiful amber eyes, wondering if I had the same effect on her as she had on me.

The rapid thud of her heart echoed in our close proximity. At that moment, my self-control that I had always been so proud of, wavered violently, and she hadn't even done anything yet.

'Bravo, Knight, Bravo!' a sarcastic voice in my mind applauded.

"Oh, he's already here," Jonathan, our family's oldest butler, announced from inside the room upon seeing me at the doorway.

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