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Sam wasn't entirely certain whether to feel joy or not as the alarm clock pierced the stillness of the morning. On one hand, it signaled an end to the charade of lying in bed with Liz, feigning sleep and escaping the tormenting embrace of restless slumber. On the other hand, it also marked the imminent departure for Sam, just a car ride away from the airport.

With a sigh, he bestowed a tender kiss on Liz's hair before rising from the bed. "I'll quickly freshen up. I'll be right back," he assured her with a smile, grabbing his backpack and vanishing into the bathroom.

Even the brisk water failed to lift his spirits. Confronted by a melancholy reflection in the bathroom mirror, Sam almost recoiled. If only he could somehow alter their circumstances...

After dressing himself, he collected the remnants of his belongings, stuffing them into his backpack. Among them was the shirt Liz had often worn during shared nights. Contemplating it for a moment, he decided it now belonged more to her than to him. Temporarily, he concealed it beneath a stack of towels in a bathroom cabinet.

Upon emerging, Liz had already laid out breakfast. They settled onto the couch, each cradling a bowl of cereal, silently sharing the last meal together. The air hung heavy with unspoken words, incapable of alleviating the gravity of the impending farewell—the one both had dreaded over the past weeks.

When the doorbell chimed, Liz's heart sank further. James would chauffeur them to Sam's house before embarking on the journey to Phoenix airport. Only half an hour more...

Together, they gathered the remnants of Sam's belongings, packing everything into his backpack before stepping beyond the apartment threshold. While Liz descended the stairs in a near trance, Sam cast a final glance at her apartment. Oh, how he would miss all of this.

"Sam," upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, Liz's parents awaited him. Robby offered comfort, his arm draped around his daughter, while Violet embraced Sam without hesitation.

"We will all miss you so much," she sighed upon releasing him. "Especially our Lizzy" Robby added, extending his hand for a shake, which Sam reciprocated as he was pulled into an affectionate pat on the back.

"Wishing you a safe flight, and do return soon, promised?" Violet smiled, handing him a coffee and a bag. "One last time, on the house, of course. The croissants just emerged from the oven," she explained with a smile.

Sam expressed gratitude before bidding them farewell once more and trailing Liz out of the house. James awaited in front of his truck, casting a concerned glance at the contemplative Liz before everyone entered the car.

Sam's belongings at his house were swiftly loaded, and the surprisingly empty streets facilitated an earlier arrival at the airport than anticipated. James parked the car before retrieving the suitcase from the trunk. Sam reached for Liz's hand as they strolled leisurely toward the entrance, with James silently tailing them.

Only in front of the check-in counter did they come to a halt. James cleared his throat in a strained tone, extending his hand to Sam. "Safe flight, bro. We had a really good time with you here, and... just come back, okay?" he grinned at Sam, who laughed and shook hands with him.

"Of course, pal. Thanks for the ride, and... take care of her for me, okay?" he nodded at Liz standing beside him. James smiled. "Promise. And good luck this season. I'm pretty sure you guys have a good chance."

Sam gratefully smiled at him before James cleared his throat again. "I'll... leave you two alone, okay?" he looked at Liz. "I'll wait at the entrance for you." He grinned at both, patted Sam's shoulder once more, and then turned to leave.

Once James was gone, Sam turned to Liz and enveloped her in his arms. "So, this is it, huh?" he tried to grin, but when he saw the tears forming in her eyes, his heart sank.

"Hey, it's okay. This isn't the end, Liz. You hear me?" he wiped the tears from her cheek, but new ones immediately followed. "I'm sorry, but... I don't want you to go," she sobbed, resting her forehead on Sam's chest.

"Don't apologize, Liz. I don't want to go either," he held her tighter and pressed a kiss on her hair. "But this isn't the end," he repeated. "I'll call you so often that eventually, my voice will annoy you. I'll write you so many messages that you won't be able to read my name without rolling your eyes. Promise."

Liz lifted her head, and a slight smile spread across her lips. "You'll never succeed," she retorted. Sam laughed. "Are you challenging me right now?" he asked. She shrugged with a grin before her expression turned sad again.

"I'll miss you so much," a new wave of tears formed in her eyes. "And I you. I love you, Liz," he caressed her cheek before pressing his lips to hers.

The announcement of Sam's flight forced them to part. "It's time for me," he sighed and pulled Liz close one last time, pressing his lips on hers before taking his suitcase.

"It's not a goodbye, Liz. It's a see you later, understood?" he brushed her hair away before sliding his arm down and eventually taking her hand. "Don't forget me, promised?" he looked into her sad eyes. "I love you," he whispered before letting go of her hand and heading towards the check-in counter.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she watched Sam leave, feeling something in her hand that he had held until just a moment ago. She wiped the tears from her face and opened her hand.

She recognized the bracelet immediately. The brown leather bracelet with the silver sunflower that she had stared at for so long at the street fair. Had Sam kept it for her all this time?

She looked in the direction he had just walked and sadly realized he was no longer visible. Sighing, she pressed the bracelet against her chest. She already missed him so much.

I don't know if that chapter reflects the emotion I wanted it to have...but here it is


Arizona Sunsets - Sam HubbardWhere stories live. Discover now