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"you never mentioned you paint" Liz winced in shock but exhaled in relief when she spotted Sam behind her, grinning at her in amusement. "Jesus, you scared me" she laughed before smiling at him. "What...what are you doing here?" she asked, pulling him into a hug.

"Your mom invited me" Sam shrugged with a grin. "My mom?" surprised, Liz turned to her mother, who was standing a few feet away from the two of them, talking to someone. Noticing the look from her daughter, she looked up and waved in delight when she caught sight of Sam and Liz.

"Yes, after all, since you were busy this morning, she had to make me my coffee and in the process invited me here right away" Sam explained as they both watched Violet say goodbye to the other person and walk up to them beaming.

"And Lizzy, isn't this a great surprise?" she asked her daughter happily. "Yeah, pretty great, mom" Liz mumbled as she rolled her eyes with a grin, for which her mother smacked her upper arm with a grin.

"Now don't act like that. After seeing you guys dance so cute together on Tuesday, I just had to invite him over when he was in the shop this morning" her mom clarified. "You saw? Dad and you were at Western Night on Tuesday too? Why didn't you say hello?" Liz asked almost a little miffed.

"I don't know" Violet shrugged with a smirk. "Maybe I didn't want to interrupt something" she winked at the two of them. Sam had to grin as he saw Liz's blush immediately rise to her face as she hissed a soft "mom".

"What? I don't understand why you don't put a flyer for your art in the hands of every person you cross paths with anyway. You're talented, supremely talented and more people should see your work" Violet stroked her daughter's arm, who gave her a slight smile.

"I have to agree with Violet on this one Liz, you really do have talent. You shouldn't hide that" Sam confirmed and immediately Liz's blush came back to her face as she mumbled a soft "thank you".

"I have an idea" Violet looked back and forth between the two of them smiling. "What do you think about you, Liz, showing Sam around a bit? You guys can look at all the other booths, maybe go somewhere for a little drink. I can stay at the booth until then and chat people up" she suggested.

Sam immediately nodded in agreement, while Liz looked at her mother. "you would really do that?" she asked her. Violet nodded. "Of course. You've earned a little break" she pulled her daughter into a hug. "Besides, I can see he likes you, so take the chance" she murmured in her ear, which made Liz grin.

"Okay, well then" she looked at Sam. "Let's go" grinning she linked arms with him and they both walked to the booth that was set up right behind Liz's. Together they looked at the paintings and quite spellbound, Sam listened to Liz interpret the various colors, patterns and motifs that were on the canvases.

You could tell she had an eye for art and Sam had to smile every time Liz wrinkled her nose when she didn't like a painting. Only very slowly they moved forward, taking more time at each booth than the one before it, while their hands eventually found their way to each other and interlocked.

Hand in hand, they reached the small food truck that, at the very end of the walk, surrounded by fairy lights and plants, sold food and drinks that could be eaten at the bar tables that went with it.

Sam got them both a beer and some fries before standing at one of the free high tables and toasting with the beer before they both took a sip and laughed as their hands briefly touched over the pile of fries on the table.

"So, my mom and you? You're on first name base already?" Liz asked as she took a bite of the fries with a grin. Sam laughed before shrugging his shoulders. "it just happened. I don't know how it could happen so fast either. Moms just seem to love me" he explained as he put the bottle to his lips, but bristled.

"That was a weird statement, wasn't it?" he looked at Liz with a smirk, who nodded with a laugh and took a sip of her beer. "I know what you mean, though. Even if I have to get you off your high horse. My mom likes all people" she grinned.

"I can kind of imagine that. As much as she talks, most of them probably don't even get a word in edgewise, so they can't say anything bad, huh?" Sam smirked as Liz laughed up.

"I never thought about it before, but that sounds very plausible. She really talks a lot" she giggled. "Yeah, totally" Sam laughed. "Sorry. I hope not that's how she got you to come here today too" Liz became more serious again.

"What, no, not at all. Believe me, it didn't take much convincing to get me here. I really wanted to see what you were painting and...I don't regret it" he smiled at her as the blush was already coming back to Liz's face. "Thanks, I appreciate that" she mumbled, nervously brushing a strand of hair out of her face.

"How long have you been painting?" Sam asked curiously while leaning on the table and looking at Liz with such interest that her whole body suddenly tingled. "Ever since I can remember" she replied. "I can't remember a time when I didn't paint" she added.

"Sure, in the beginning it might not have been masterpieces and just crayons, but over the years I've tried out more and more and somehow taught myself everything. Others read a book to clear their head. Go out into nature. Do sports. I curl up in my studio and...paint" she shrugged with a smile.

"And you really have talent. The paintings you exhibited today are incredible. I don't understand how people aren't lining up to buy your work" Sam smiled at her. "Thanks. I honestly don't do it to make money off of it" she explained.

"Well, I mean, if one day I can make a living from my art, that would be amazing of course, but I paint because I enjoy it and as long as I can also surround myself with art while working at the museum and teach people about the beautiful side of being creative, that's okay for now" she sighed.

"I'm quite sure you'll be able to make a living from your talent one day. I mean...I would buy every single painting you have on display" Sam, who by now had moved around the table next to Liz, nudged her with his elbow with a grin.

Smiling, Liz looked up at him from below. "Thanks. That really means a lot to me" she clarified. Sam returned her smile. "You're very welcome, Lizzy" Liz wrinkled her nose as she turned so she was standing right in front of Sam. "Please don't ever call me that again" she laughed, which made Sam laugh too.

"Okay, okay" innocently Sam raised his arms. "you're very welcome Liz. Better?" he asked. "Much better. I hate that nickname" she sighed as a cold shiver ran down her spine when she saw Sam's loving gaze staring right at her.

"I think it's quite cute" Sam muttered as Liz noticed him staring indecisively at her lips again and again. Her thoughts were racing. Did Sam want to kiss her and didn't dare? Did she want Sam to kiss her?

Nervously, she crossed her arms in front of her chest and cleared her throat as she looked around. A large crowd of people were in close proximity to them, and Liz recognized at least a dozen familiar faces. Clearing her throat again, she stroked her face a bit nervously as Sam continued to look at her.

"I...I think we should get back" she stammered. Her body was struggling with the internal battle her head and heart were having right now. Of course, most of her wanted to feel Sam's soft lips on hers again. To lie in his muscular arms while his hands very gently caressed her back and arms.

But there was also this little part that reminded her of how much people were already talking about them now. How much gossip there had already been in the last few days since they were seen dancing on Tuesday. She didn't want to give any more reason if they were now seen making out in public as well.

She wasn't ashamed of it, not at all. She just wasn't sure she could stand making herself the top topic in town with it. Especially not if Sam was going back to Cincinnati at some point and she was going to be left here.


Arizona Sunsets - Sam HubbardWhere stories live. Discover now