Chapter 40: A Tentional Favor

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Chapter 40: A Tentional Favor

Meanwhile at the West wing of the third section of Minders...

There, Harriet can be found sitting at the back of the class practicing her mind control over a raven sitting on a small wooden perch while the rest of her classmates does the same thing with all sorts of creatures.

Harriet carefully instructed the bird to fly over and bring a piece of paper to Professor Josephine Jones using only her mind spell and it worked!

Professor Jones congratulated Harriet over her early achievement. Harriet chuckled upon her success but the class just snorted and gave her side-eyes.

"Pfft, show-off," A blonde girl scoffed.

"Jealous much, Thephany?" Harriet smirked proudly, as she fed her bird with crackers for being a steady assistant.

The girl just rolled her eyes like the rest but Harriet doesn't care much and went back to her processing. She was about to test out a new mind trick when she overheard the girls' thoughts about the mythrecanian test.

Harriet's eyes fumed with fire as she kept getting negative comments about her friend until she paused hearing about Cassandra facing Apophis as a deadly triumph and they commented quietly she might fail because Cassandra was a pathetic enchanter in the first place. Those terrible words alone made her furious.

Don't talk trash about Cassandra, you ugly biarcretch,(b****).

And with that, the rage about her getting offended of friend's situation resulted for Harriet to tremble with her head filling with uncontrollable thoughts, she was beginning to overthink again which is dangerous for Minders.

Out of nowhere, Harriet send out an irritating distress-signal-like mind pain making everyone in the room shrieked in agony. The students tumble around the room with their hands covering their heads, rapid ringings gone through as their minds' sensations shaken. While Harriet struggled to get her spell under control when an agony-felting Professor Jones trembled to her.

"Whoa...calm yourself, emitra!(child/girl) It's alright. Don't overthink just breatheee," Professor Jones uttered, patting Harriet's back.

Following her instructions, Harriet quickly let out a breather, steadying herself from her own magic mayhem allowing for it to end slowly.

Her fellow Minders stopped and all fell on the floor with a hard thud. Grunts echoed throughout the classroom.

"I'm sorry, Professor, I—I didn't mean to..." Harriet whimpered.

"Practhiye!" (Pathetic) shouted Thephany, groaning on the floor.

"Sileciyon, Thephany!" (Silence, Thephany!) scolded Professor Jone making the class quiet.

In the moment Harriet found herself getting stuck in depression again as Professor Jones continued to calm the wild-magic student.


Harriet strode down the hallway with Professor Jones walking by her side, telling her to be more careful next time whenever she overthinks again because it might resulted in various magic mishaps like unwanted Minder's affliction.

Harriet felt remorse about her unexpected mind-tormenting incident, so as soon as Professor Jones finished her small talk she spilled some few words of her own.

She explained to Professor Jones that she gets a little too deep within the thoughts of others and whenever how they talked dirty about her close companions like her friends. The sight of them being toxic was enough to make her insides burn with rage which came to a pattern of her mind afflictions affecting on anyone.

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