🤍Chapter 5🤍

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"good news!" Carter said
"so tell us." I said because I was getting annoyed. "So we found your relatives and they were happy they finally found you so they would like to take you in. They're gonna be there in 24 hours." He said.

What the fuck.

Aurora's pov

I know that we had relatives, but I didn't expect them to take us in.

Please don't be like James and lily

If they are I don't know if I can do that anymore then I will be gone by 18 I hoop not. Anyways
"Omg are you serious?" My sister said with a shocked face
"Yes we are and they will be here in 5 hours so we are gonna go to you guys home and pack your stuff" Carter said as I began to stand up.
"Okay" Alliana said and stood up. she is so sweet I wise I can be with here but I need to protect her.

We are driving towards our house when Alliana began to speak to me
"Are you also nervous?" She asked
"Yeah I am I hope they are nice" I said as I turned my face to the window and then I saw the place I hate.
"We're here" Carter said and unlocked the doors.
"Okay pack your stuff and come back I will be waiting here" he said as we unlocked our seatbelt and tried to get out of the car. Keyword tried. Fuck come on I thought as my rib is beginning to hurt again so i fall down.
"Aurora are you okay?" Alliana asked
"Yeah..." I said as I stand up.
"Okay" Alliana said as we are now walking on the front steps.
I packed all my stuff I don't have much stuff they didn't gave me anything so I had to buy it myself. Anyways I have one backpack with my laptop, phone, AirPods, sweater and a sweatpants and on suitcase with some other clothes and al my weapons and toiletries.
I walked outside and turned around.

I will never step foot in here again

"Do you have everything you need?" Carter asked as I took seat in the car to wait for Alliana.
"Yeah I do" I said after 5 minutes Alliana came and she had 2 suitcases and a backpack.
"Got everything?" Carter said as she stepped in
"Yeah I got it" my sister said as she fastened her seatbelt
We were driving back

————————30 minutes later————————

We arrived at the police station. Ughh still 3 hours I thought. I need to take painkillers soon cause I will not hold on any longer. We got back to the room and we were alone again.
"Do you think they will like us." Alliana said worried
"Yes, I hope so" I said with the last part in a whisper. I grabbed my backpack and got my laptop out.
"You have a laptop?" Alliana asked surprised
"Yeahh." I said unbothered.
I am going to do some work on my laptop when I remember I need to take a painkiller and check if everything is still covered. I stood up and grab 2 painkillers and swallowed them dry and walked to the bathroom.

Alliana's pov

We were now back at the police station and in the room with each other. I am so nervous.

What if they don't like us

Was the only thing I could think of.
"Do you think they will like us."I said worried
"Yes, I hope so" Aurora said with a whisper in the end but I didn't hear what she said. She suddenly grabbed her backpack and got a laptop out.
She got a laptop how?
"You have a laptop?" I asked surprised
"Yeahh." She said unbothered.
Suddenly she stood up and grabbed something out of her backpack and swallowed it and walked to the bathroom.

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