Chapter 17

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I take a walk outside to calm my nerves while Zano uses the bathroom. I can't believe I let down my guard like that. I can still feel the tingles all over my body from his touch and that frustrates me. This man is like poison I love him with all of my heart but he is going to end up being the cause of my death. I came back to South Africa so that the boys get to be with their father not to actually play pretend families with him. Zano has been indecisive ever since I have met him,he just can't choose between me and Dudu. Right now I'm making that choice for him,after what I have found out about Dudu love can pass me by I need to put my boys first but I'm certainly not going to let this slide with that witch of his.

I take my phone and dial the only person's number that I'm sure will help me get Zano off my back.
"Hello beautiful and what do I owe the pleasure?" He answers as I'm about to hang up.
"Oh come on Ozan can't a girl just check up on you?" I say.
I met Ozan in Italy. He is originally from Turkey,his family owns a string of companies in the electronics department. He is also a model,I used to have a huge crush on him and we usually hang out from time to time but nothing has ever really happened between us. The boys love him and he also adores them.
"You have went MIA on me since the day I asked you to be my girlfriend Karina" he says letting out a deep sigh.
Ozan has made it pretty clear to me that he is serious about me,that he wants a future with me. I never even considered that for a second because I always had this hope of rekindling things with Zano but being here has shown me that I need to move on with my life. Zano is just the father of my kids now.
"That's why I'm calling you. I think I'm ready to give it a try" I say shyly.
"Let me guess your African prince has finally showed you his true colours?" He says after a while.
Ozan knows everything about my marriage,the soultie and my so called gift.
I keep quiet. It's not that I don't know what to say but it's because I have know the answer for a long time but didn't want to admit it.
He sighs.
"I'm in New Zealand now for a conference,I will come there immediately afterwards because we clearly need to talk things through over dinner and I miss those two boys" he says.
I can't help but let out a smile.
"I would love that and they miss you too they have been asking me about you" I say laughing.
Ozan showers the boys with unnecessary expensive gifts and I'm guessing that's why they love him so much. We talk for a while and when I'm done with the phone call I feel a million times better than when I called.

As I stand up to walk back to the bedroom I notice Zano is standing by the door with crossed legs and folded hands leaning on the wall, carefully looking at me. Looking at him I feel shy so I look back down.
"Uhm..." I say clearing my throat after a while of standing there in the awkward silence.
Luckily Siphephelo appears talking about Cele and asking me how I'm feeling.
"I'm going to go shower" I say leaving them outside.
I know he is not dumb,he can definitely that something is wrong between us.

After showering and tending to my wounds I decide to sleep because my eyelids feel heavy. I can hear the boys laughing outside and that soothes me to sleep.

I'm a walking near a river, Zano's grandfather is sitting on a rock looking at the water. I sit next to him.
"No harm will come to you,not as long as we have the power to protect you" he says.
"Thank you mkhulu" I say.
"We are happy when we see the boys running around the royal yard" he says with a smile.
I smile. I'm glad they are happy. And you can tell that they are happy by the way the forest looks,the sun is up and shining brightly,birds are chirping and flying over the sky,flowers have bloomed and there is no cloud in sight only the clear blue sky.
"But there is a snake in that yard and you have to make sure you get rid of it,it's very dangerous. The entire family might just die if you don't act smartly and carefully" he says.
"Duduzile?" I ask.
He gets up and puts his hand in the river,like he is checking the temperature.
"Go! Go into the river the water is ready now,tell them not to do anything to it,we prepared it for you" he says and sits on the rock.
I quickly run in the direction I came from.

"Zenande!" I feel somebody shaking me awake.
I immediately sit up. It's Zano he looks worried, Siphephelo is standing beside him and he has the same look on his face. They must be thinking I'm having a nightmare.
"We have to go,mkulu says that the water has been prepared and nobody should touch it" I say getting out of bed.
After I put on my shoes the boys have already gathered everything and we rush to Siphephelo's car.

After almost thirty minutes we are by the river I saw in my dream. Zano tells Cele what I told them and he steps back.
"You can take off your clothes and go in" he says to me.
"I need you to stand back and no matter what happens you don't go into the water" he tells them.
Zano looks at me and I nod for him to agree. I take off my clothes and walk into the water,it feels warm.
Immediately after walking in,the water seems to have a life of it's own. It pulls me even deeper,something pulls me under. I didn't know that a river is this deep. My knees touch the ground,there is so much darkness I can't see so I close my eyes. They said it themselves that they will not let any harm come to me,so I give in I don't even try fighting what's pulling me under. I feel something hit my back,my side,my stomach,my legs,my head,my face, slowly but surely until it covers why entire body. Some part of my brain tells me to open my eyes and I do. The water is clear now,and I see a huge fish disappear by. No fish should be big like that. I scream as loud as I can until what was holding me down lets me float to the surface. When I get to the surface I see mkhulu sitting on the rock smiling,I swim to him and he shakes his head pointing to where Zano and Siphephelo are. I feel hands touch my body under the water and I scream again. I swim to the guys as fast as my arms can let me. Cele holds me up and helps me out the water,my body is covered in a white wet cloth.
I look at Cele surprised as I am panting. He smiles. Zano hugs me not even minding the cloth. Maybe this is what the hands were doing.
"You scared me" he says.
"They promised that no harm will come to me and today I didn't resist or fight back. I let them do whatever they wanted." I say.
Cele smiles.
"You have given them what they have always wanted. You were only seeing his grandfather and mother because they were still testing you,those two had already accepted you that's why they helped you. Today you proved to all of them that you are worthy of their son and support. That's what the cloth indicates so be prepared for all those Zulu ghosts" he says and laughs.
"Thank you so much Baba" I say and he turns to leave.
"BoMageba I guess you don't need a traditional healer like me anymore" he says with a smile as he leaves.
Both Phephelo and Zano look at each other and nod. I guess it's their private conversation. Cele must be going crazy because he will forever be needed.

"You look much better than when you went in" Zano says leading me to the car.
"I feel much better than I have ever felt in five years" I say laughing.
"You see,you scared the ancestors with your nakedness and they threw you a cloth... OMageba!" Siphephelo says and we laugh.
I get dressed in the car and when Im done they get in,I fold my cloth nicely and put it on the side. I wonder what their acceptance means,but I'm pretty sure that I'm stuck married to Zano. I look at him,he looks carefree and happy. He is laughing and making jokes,whatever happened between us has been long forgotten. Luckily Siphephelo brought me my makeup kit so I quickly cover up the bruises on my face as Siphephelo drives to the royal house.

When we get home,I don't even make it inside. The boys come running out and they tackle me down,I don't even feel pain as I laugh and hug my boys tight.
"Mommy!" They scream happily.
After kissing them all over their faces I tickle them and their laughter makes my heart smile.
"I missed you boys so much" I say giving them one final squeeze.
Zano helps me get up from the ground. Siphephelo carries Lwandile and Zano holds Lwandle's hand.
"Are you okay?" Zano asks concern clearly visible on his beautiful face.
"Now that I'm with them,I will be" I say giving him a smile.
He just nods and leads us inside as we listen to the boys update me about what they have been up to the past few days.

Hey fam y'all see what I did there? Ozan or Zano? Same letters lol🤭🤣.

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