Update - 6.1.2024.

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Hey, it's been a while. This book, although I have said it was finished, is actually not finished. I decided that instead of writing a new one, or 10 or so new ones, I decided I would continue this one. This book, although not the greatest thing I created, is one of my more popular books. 

People say let things rest once they're done for, but I am not certain this book should rest more. It's been given a long rest and I want to get back at it and crack some interesting stories. I want to give inspiration to people and kind of awaken my own creativity. 

I was even thinking of crossovers and truly embracing the possibilities, and once I've established the character, because up until now I just went off of what I basically knew from some Wikipedia. Not only that, but I want to truly get to know the character, Dio Brando, before actually continuing into this fandom once more and giving him the spotlight. 

Dio Brando is one of the early but not the earliest fictional crushes I've had, and his whole persona reminds me of my current intriguing character that I've come to somewhat love, Coriolanus Snow a.k.a. President Snow from the newest Hunger Games film. 

So, without further ado, I shall bring to you more stories about Dio Brando and you, my dear readers, buckle up and get ready for more stories, let's hit 100 chapters by February and see where we go from there :) 

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