Chapter 10

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Adrian's POV

As soon as the words were uttered by me, the necklace around me started glowing profusely. I closed my eyes and the same crystal blue eyes as me with pain in her eyes called out to me. It was my twinny. I knew it and I could feel it. I knew where to find her.

"Dad, our special place." Whispering this I used my superspeed to reach my destination with dad beside me. It was the place where we always used to hide from the world. It was our special place.



Ravena was running giggling around the place. Her brown hair was shining golden under the sun were all over her face. And once again, our dear Ravena was running away from her twinny after losing in the toss. Both were looking like exact replica of each other except the hair and clothes.

On one hand, where Ravena was wearing a cute rainbow colour summer dress, Adrian was wearing a white shirt and black jeans making him look handsomely cute.


Their father, the king, clicked a very cute aesthetic photo of the twins. "Kids! Take a break and eat something. You both must be tired."

"Yes Dad." Again, their twin thing. They held each other's hand and hopped towards their father wearing a bright smile on their faces.

"We want to eat at our *Happy Place* dad. Can we go and eat there? Pretty please." Ravena said to her father with her adorable puppy dog eyes and cute little pout on her face whereas Adrian just nodded cutely to her words.

Atesh picked the twins in his arms and gave a lingering kiss to each of their cheeks. "Sure my darlings, you can eat and play there as well. Just keep one thing in mind and that's not fighting with each other, alright? Rather, be a team like I always told u. Remember? Always and forever."

The twins smiled at his words and loudly shouted near his ears, "ALWAYS AND FOREVER DADDY." Atesh winced a little but nevertheless smiled at them and let them go to their destined place.

Flashback over

It felt like the time had stopped as soon as I reached the "Rainbow garden", which was our special place. There she was. Lying in the middle of our garden, surrounded by "White Arum Lilies." [A/N Indian readers should know about this place if they have good taste in movies ;)]

I came to a halt just beside her limp figure. Falling on my knees, tears once again gathered in my eyes. "Twinny" I sobbed. I was not aware of my surroundings anymore. My entire focus was on my little sister, my twinny only.

I slowly moved my trembling hand towards her. She was lying on her front with her brown hairs spread everywhere. I gently and very slowly touched her hairs, afraid she could break with just a little touch.

Slowly, I took hold of her shoulders and moved her so that she was laying on my lap with her back facing the ground. As soon as I turned her, I gasped. Her whole face was covered in cuts and burns. Though her chubby cheeks were now gone and the shine in her face was also no longer visible but she still looked the same.

What exactly happened to my twinny? All those years, it felt like a part of me was missing and now that she is here, I feel complete. But. What did those monsters do to my baby. I will kill them all. I will torture them that they will beg mercy from the devil himself.

I broke out of my murderous plan with a gasp beside me. I turned to see dad knelt behind me, observing his little girl's face. It was the second time in my whole life I have seen him so vulnerable. The first time was when we lost the light of our life.

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