Chapter 3

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                                                         12 YEARS AGO

Author's POV

The weather started out beautiful that day.

Warm blue sky, with light and cold winds blowing softly, and the soft humming of the birds was a perfect day for the kids to play outside.

Or so they thought....

Seraphina and Adrian.

Twins. And the only children of the King of Siren, Atesh Abott.

No one knew about the mother of the kids, just some rumors, that she died, leaving behind the twins.

The twins were the exact replica of their father, thus busting any doubt regarding their blood.

They both were the future KING and QUEEN of Siren. It was a custom that only the real blood of the Abott family can become the king/queen of Siren. Seeing as they were twins.. and the ones talked about in the prophecy.. Atesh thought of making them both the rulers of Siren. 

No one opposed to that idea because they all had great respect for their king and his ancestors, not only because they belonged to the family of the Gods, but also because they were known to be BRAVE, FAIR, LOYAL and THE MOST POWERFUL creatures on the planet of Siren.

Both the twins had just returned from their school. They were studying in a very prestigious school because they were to be trained to become the next king and queen.

As the twins returned their home or rather the "Castle" they immediately ran towards their father's office. They never really knew much about their mother since she was dead as their father had told them and since then, there was no further discussion on that topic since he still dearly missed the love of his life.

There were two guards who were guarding their father's or rather the "king" door. They were 2 vampires. 

As soon as they reach the door to their father's office, they were greeted by the 2 vampires.

"Good afternoon Princess Seraphina and Prince Adrian." The one whose name was Liam said and bowed. 

Seraphina and Adrian simultaneously smiled showing their teeth, among which 2-3 have already started falling. They started speaking together, " How many times have we told you to just call us by our names and not by those formal endearment." Yes, sometimes they say many things together and it gets pretty creepy. But in their language, it is called a "Twin thing".

Liam chuckled, showing his fangs and said, " My apologies, Prin...Seraphina and Adrian, but after you both are crowned, it will be necessary for us to call you king and queen."

Adrian said, " There is a lot of time left for that but for now just call us by our names". He gave them a goofy smile and held his twin hand.

The other guard whose name was Luci said, "As you wish Adrian and Seraphina".

The twins gave them a very cute smile and they looked so alike that nobody would be able them apart if not for their clothes and hairstyle.

The guards opened the door to their father's office and the twins shouted, "Daddy!! we are home." and ran towards their father who was sitting on his chair doing some paperwork.

He smiled and immediately picked up Adrian and put him on the table in front of him and then Seraphina on his lap since she was his little princess but he still loved them equally. Maybeeeee a teeny beeny meeny more to his one and only princess. But it didn't mattered to Adrian since he also loved his little twinny more than his father. His baby sis.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 31 ⏰

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