Chapter 7

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And so I did. I ran.

Rocco, the guard, was lying unconscious on the ground of my dungeon. Since the door to my room was opened I guess I didn't have to do much.

I wore my already battered shirt or what I can now say as just a piece of cloth for just some comfort although it was futile as it was literally torn from everywhere.

Still shaken up from the incident which took place not even minutes ago, I just started running or well atleast tried to.

"Listen Ravena, you need to focus on your superspeed the same way you did back there and that necklace of yours will help you get out of here. It is not an ordinary necklace. It contains some very powerful ancient magic done by one of the original witch. I'll explain all that later but for now u just need to know that your 18th birthday is coming soon so the suppressed power of your necklace is resurfacing. For now, focus on your superspeed and the necklace will guide you."

It was getting very confusing. My mind couldn't register what was happening to me. First my stupid innervoice, Ave. Then, Rocco and his dirty hands touching me and kissing me which made me feel very disgusting and I want to peel of my skin or rub it till the feeling's gone. And now, above all that this necklace and escape plan. UGHHHH!!

Anyways, I did focus on my superspeed and ran where my necklace is taking me.

On my way, I did notice something strange though. There were very few guards like only 3-4 in total. Hmm. Maybe Rocco was right that they are busy in a very important meeting to discuss how to kill me and snatch my powers.

I still know within my conscience that I couldn't let that happen. I NEED to find my family. I feel like I am missing a very important part of my life. It must be my twinny or Daddy as Ave has told me.

I just zoomed past the guards.

HA! Only if it was that simple. Can't forget that they also have powers just like me now can we?

But I still have better powers n I literally ran away from under their noses.. HA

So, as I was saying I zoomed past the guards towards a metal door. I came to an abrupt stop just before bashing my head to the door. Okay, this is interesting.. It has some kind of keypad attached to it...

"It's a passcode. You need to type in the password for the door to open. And it is of 8 letters. Guess what can be the password we have only 3 chances and very less time. We need to get out of here before they know that we are escaping."

Hmm.. A passcode of 8 letters. Think Ravena think!! What about *prophecy*?

"You can try but don't forget you have only 3 chances and even less time."

Okayy. So I typed in P.R.O.P.H.E.C.Y.

There was a red light which blinked for a few times and the door still didn't open. Guess it was not prophecy then. Hmm what else can it be??

*FLASHBACK* [5 years ago]

It was my 13th birthday yesterday. And it was the worst birthday till yet. Not that I remember my other birthday's properly but still have a vague feeling about them..

Yesterday, the guard named *Rocco* and other guard name *Dawn* took me a new room. They called it the "lesson room".

At first I was happy because I thought that finally I can learn something new. I did learn something new but it was not what I expected.

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