Glass Houses (.18)

Start from the beginning

Mary stalked towards Sunny. Hissing and making that same clicking sound from moments before. Sunny backed away in confusion. She heard fighting coming from where Bigby had run off.

Sunny cringed at the thought of there being double Marys. If there were, that would mean... oh, oh no.

Another two walked down the stairs. The bodies made a horrid cracking sound as they did.

The Mary closest to Sunny shoved her into the wall. Pinning her there with her arm. Sunny panicked for a moment. Her first thought was to push Mary's arm away, but realised that because of the glass, she would most likely mess up her hand in the process.

Much to Sunny's dismay, she didn't have much of a choice. Sunny grabbed Mary One's arm with one hand and at her forehead with the other. She kicked her in the stomach. Sending her crashing into the stairs.

Sunny looked at each of the Marys. She would have to rely on her magic. Otherwise, she was gonna lose a hand, or worse, to these copies.

First things first was getting out of that enclosed space. Sunny held her hand out. Causing a flurry of vines and weeds to break out from the floor. Trapping the first two Marys against the stair railings and the wall. The third was just out of the way, but Sunny made a running jump towards her. She kicked Mary Three in the shoulder and bounced off her and then the wall to get behind them.

Mary Three chased after Sunny as One and Two clawed at the plants that had them pinned down. Sunny busted through the door and turned back to see Mary Three lunging at her. Sunny dropped down and grabbed her by the shoulders. The abundance leaves how coving her arms helped to protect her from the shape edges of Mary Three's body. Sunny flipped Mary Three over the railing and to the ground floor. Three shattered to pieces on impact.

Sunny stood up and looked at the scene before her. While Three had been dealt with, there were about fifteen more. All crowded around an impossibly large black wolf.

"Bigby?" Sunny muttered in shock.

Sunny shook off her confusion as the first two Marys started running up to the doorway. Sunny ran to the door and tried to slam it shut. Only to have Mary Two get her arm trapped between the door and frame. A crack came from Two, along with an annoyed scream. Sunny pulled back and crashed the door closed again.

While it successfully broke off Mary Two's arm, it also made her even more pissed off. They forced open the door and knocked Sunny back a bit. She regained her footing and swung her arm at them. Another vine smacked Mary Two across the face and nicked the other one.

They both jumped at Sunny. Making her fall on her back. She was able to hold them back with the huge mass of vines sprouting out of her arms and the floor. They kept trying to claw at her. Mary Two even had a branch stuck right through her midsection, but it didn't seem to be bothering her that much.

Sunny flinched as one of the Marys scratched at her cheek. Leaving a sizable gash. Sunny let out a painful hiss. She pushed forward and threw her hands out. The branch in Mary Two split in half. Mary Two's body was ripped in half down the middle. Two burst into glass and strange black smoke.

A strange feeling of calmness washed over Sunny. She stood up and stared at the glass remains with contempt.

The last Mary raised her claws at Sunny. Sunny didn't even look up. She simply raised her hand, and another branch shot out from the floor. It pinned Mary against the support beam. The branch grew bigger and started to wrap around Mary. Slowly crushing her limps and neck.

Mary kept thrashing about, hissing and shaking as the plant started to crush her body against the pillar. The final push was an offshoot that stabbed Mary through the chin and out the top of her head.

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