Weeds and Wolves (.12)

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TWs: Harassment, woman getting shaken by her shoulders and yelled at, guns, people getting shot at, fighting with mentions of blood and lost body parts.


The taxi ride over to the Pudding N' Pie was one of the most uncomfortable in Sunny's life. She was seated between Bigby and a still, very annoyed Snow. Thankfully, the ride wasn't that long. The moment they arrived at the club, Bigby and Sunny jumped out of the cab.

(Without realising they left Snow to pay the cab driver).

They wasted no time. Bigby kicked open the door. They found Georgie in the main room on the phone.

"No, it's nothin' you need to concern yourself with. I don't think so, at least. Shit. Hold on," Georgie looked up at them. "Sheriff, Deputy, is there something more I can help you with? Decided-"

Sunny pushed past Georgie with so much force that he nearly fell to the floor.

"Hey! You can't just go in there!" Geogied screamed at her.

"Stop me then!" Sunny snarled.

Sunny, Bigby and Snow all walked into the dressing room. None of them spotted Georgie talking into the phone again. "We have a problem."

Sunny slammed open the door. Immediately seeing Crane violently shaking Nerissa's shoulders.

"Tell me who did it! Just tell me who did it; I know you know!" Crane screamed at her.

"Mr. Crane, please, she can't help-" Vivian tried to tell him.

"I know you know what the plan is. I won't be held accountable for this!"

"I can't-I can't-I'm sorry, I-" Nerissa cried. The mascara was running down her face.

"You both know what's going on; just tell me!"

Sunny grabbed him by the shoulder. Twisting him around and giving him a scowl.

"Oh, my god!" Crane gasped.

"Give me one good reason-" Sunny gritted her teeth.

"Wait, don't!" Snow stopped her.

"I-I didn't do anything, I promise you, I didn't do anything! These girls, th-th-the girls-they'll back me up, I j-just have to get this stupid ring working, that's all! They can't talk because of that spell, but once this ring gets through, I'll know what's going on, and this whole thing will be over! Crane stuttered.

"The ring won't work. Greenleaf sold you out," Bigby told him.

"What? No! This will work, I assure you! I-it must!" Crane tried to run over to Nerissa, who was standing over by the door with Vivian, but was held back by Bigby. "Damn you, c'mon! Please! Tell me who killed her!"

"...My lips are sealed," Nerissa stared sadly at the floor.

Crane looked around the room with wide eyes. He collapsed to the floor and started crying his eyes out.

Should Sunny have felt sorry for him? The thought didn't even enter her mind. All she wanted to do was yell at him for what he had done. The way he was hurting Nerissa like that... Sunny felt no sympathy for this pathetic excuse for a person.

"How long?"

"W-what?" Crane sniffled.

"How long has this been going on?!" Sunny repeated a bit louder. Making Crane flinch.

"T, too long," Crane looked up at Bigby. "But I didn't kill those women, please, I had nothing, nothing to do with that. I just-I-I just... Oh, god... "

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