Horrific Self Analysis (.5)

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TW: Dead body, meations of possible drug use and violence, implied possible stalking and stolen property.


Sunny didn't grow up in Fabletown. Hell, she could probably count on one hand the number of times she had visited before getting the 'new job'.

As a result, almost everything around her was unknown. Catriona had explained a few things to her, so she wasn't completely lost. And there was one thing she was more than familiar with. That thing being the Witching Well. No matter how it was explained to Sunny, she couldn't help but think of it as something akin to a portal straight to hell.

Most other days, that would be the most uncomfortable thing to be in the room with, but it was Sunny's (un)lucky day. Instead of staring down the dead well with horrid memories crawling back into her head, Sunny was staring at a body identical to hers.

She hated everything about this.

"Wow. I didn't realise... I've never seen her face before now," Snow said, shaking her head.

Sunny couldn't think of what to say. She just ended up just staring at the woman. The Witching Well Chamber was a dark lifeless room. The quietest whispers would echo through the place.

"Are you gonna be okay? You don't have to stay," Wolf looked to Sunny again.

Sunny shook her head. She kept her arms crossed.

"The glamour is so effective; it's invasive. If you need-" Snow started to say.

"It's fine, really," Sunny told her. "Sorry. It's... like you said, just so vivid."

Sunny didn't want to say it aloud, but the idea of them searching the body while she wasn't there felt sick. She was desperate for some form of control, and leaving at this point would not give it to her.

They started by examining the head. Finding the same neck wound as Faith's but no ribbon hidden away in their mouth.

Wolf was checking her clothes when he found a brooch pinned to her jacket. He and Sunny both looked at it in confusion. It was a light chestnut colour that swirled in a loop.

"I don't own anything like that?" Sunny said as she took the brooch.

"Maybe it really belonged to her....not part of the glamour." Wolf wondered.

"It might be from the homelands?" Snow added.

"Bufkin, do you recognize this symbol?" Sunny asked the winged creature.

"No, nothing I've seen before," Bulfkin shrugged.

"Why bother with the right perfume if the appearance doesn't completely match?" Sunny tried to think.

"Maybe it really belonged to her...not part of the glamour?" Wolf supplied.

Sunny sighed. Putting the brooch into her pocket as Wolf continued looking over the body.

They moved on. Spotting that her fist was clenched tightly. None of them could tell whether she was holding something or not.

"Do you think she fought back?" Snow asked Wolf.

"No marks on the knuckles," Wolf told her. Making it unlikely.

Sunny stepped forward. Grabbing a hold of the woman's knuckles to pry them open. Hesitating for a moment when feeling the woman's cold hands. Snow made a slight sound of protest, but Wolf assured her it was the only way to find out.

The woman's fingers straightened out with some force and unsetting cracks. Revealing a handful of soft blue petals.

"Flowers?" Snow said with a raised eyebrow.

Heads Will Roll | A Wolf Among Us StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon