People of Fabletown (.6)

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"You're a bar. You're supposed to have darts," Someone whined as Sunny and Bigby walked in.

"And I normally do, but who knows where the fuck they went to after-" The voice stopped as Sunny and Bigby walked into the room.

There were three people at the bar. An older woman behind the bar who must have been Holly and two others. A blonde man whom Sunny didn't know the name of, and a familiar dark-haired man.

Sunny remembered him from a few days ago. He was the one who started screaming at her to get back in line.

"C'mon, Holly, I need entertainment," The blonde man said before he noticed the others were looking behind him. "This'll do."

Holly quickly started putting shot glasses away at the sight of Bigby. She looked somewhat panicked as she did so. As if they would explode if Bigby gave them a funny look.

"We're just here to ask some questions," Sunny tried to tell them.

Holly looked at the man sitting at the bar. The two of them shared an undefinable look before Holly turned back to Bigby. "Okay."

The blonde man smiled at Sunny. Making her tense a little. "Hey, I know you. You're Emmanuel and Jia's kid, right?"

Sunny's eyes widened a bit. She wasn't surprised this guy knew her father, but how the hell did he know her mother?

"You guys remember Jia?" Blondie looked back at the others with a smile. They just gave uncomfortable shrugs that didn't tell if they did or not. "Now there was a real spitfire. Is she still as such?"

"You're asking me if my mother is a spitfire?" Sunny said in an incredulous tone.

Blondie rolled his eyes and turned to Bigby. Wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "And this guy. Every time I see him, he seems to lose weight. It's amazing; it really is. He loses weight and yet somehow keeps all the muscle."

"Jack," Bigby frowned at him. The annoyance in his tone was clear.

"Wolfie, my dear, how are you?" Jack smirked.

Bigby ignored him. Walking up to the counter, towards Holly.

Jack didn't seem to get the hint (or maybe he just didn't care) "Because, you know, we were just talking about you. All of us. At the bar, here. About you."

"We just need to talk to Holly. Privately." Bigby said and gave Jack a warning look.

"Alright, just give us a second first." Jack continued as if Bigby hadn't said anything. "I'm dying to hear about the body that came out of the East River this morning. It was a Fable, right?"

Bigby and Sunny both frowned at him in surprise.

"Oh, everyone knows," Jack grinned.

"How did-"

"Tweedle Dee was just here," Dark hair said without taking his eyes off his drink.

"Meationed they had a red jacket. Just like you," Jack nodded to Sunny.

"What the hell!" Bigby shouted. "Crane."

"Son of a bitch," Sunny muttered.

"Tweedle Dee said you arrested him for no earthly reason," Jack mocked in some form of an English accent. 'Kept him locked in the cellar all fuckin' night'... He said you tortured him. Which... I dunno; that seems like a breach of your legislative duties. Bigby, c'mon, you can't be so dumb as to-"

"Jack! Find the off button. Now." Holly yelled at him.

Jack turned around and frowned at the two. "What is it with you two? You and Gren are all, 'Let's get a posse together,' when there's no one around, but as soon as the Big Bad Wolf walks in, your tails go between your legs. Cat got your nerve? What happened?"

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