Made Them Cry (.17)

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TW: negative phasing against sex workers, mentions exposed organs, and implied murder


"If my envoys are correct...the two of you haven't had a lot of rest recently... Please, relax for a moment, will you? Do you want a drink? Something to eat?" Crooked Man calmly told them.

Sunny's eyes looked over to Jersey as Bigby kept smoking. Her eyes landed on the gun in his hands.

"It's a little hard to do that when your friend has his finger on the trigger," Sunny frowned.

"Yes, I can see why that would be... concerning," Crooked Man gave Jersey a look.

"Don't misunderstand the situation here," Bigby spoke up. "We? Are not friends. And you're in no position to offer us anything."

"On the contrary, Sheriff...and I don't wish to contradict you here...but your initiative and mine have been friendly for a long while now. Ever since I came aboard these shores, you know... Fabletown's been very accommodating of my humble ventures."

"Just what are you talking about?" Sunny questioned.

"I've just been left in relative peace, I think puts it best. Allowed to live my own way."

"That doesn't really-" Sunny said as Bigby dropped his cigarette to stub it out.

Jersey stood up suddenly. Pointing the gun right at Bigby. Sunny felt her body go tense as he did so.

"What do you think you're doing?" Crooked Man shouted at him.

"He's gonna-"

"Mr Wolf and Ms Fei are our guests. And I have every intention of cooperating. So don't waste the silver." Crooked Man scolded him.

Jersey sat back down and put the gun away. There was a dejected look on his face.

"Well, Sheriff, Deputy... For the sake of transparency, why don't you tell us why you're here... It would help settle everyone's nerves, I think."

Bigby looked to Sunny. She took a breath and stepped forward. "You're suspected of having involvement in the murders of Faith and Lily. Along with slavery, kidnapping, and extortion of several other Fables. We'll have to bring you in for questioning."

"Oh dear, I assume by your confidence in accusing me, you must have some proof of this, yes?"

"Jersey has made multiple comments that have implicated you," Sunny stated after a moment of hesitation.

"That's a fuckin' lie!" Jersey yelled. Jumping out of his chair again.

"If they're dead, it's 'cause the Crooked Man wanted them dead," Sunny quoted. "Isn't that what you said at the pawn shop."

"All I said was that this was your town, and nothin' wouldn't happen without your approval! Alright? That's it!" Jersey defended himself to his boss.

"If only that were true," Crooked Man sighed. "Those women... I don't relish telling you that the killings were perpetrated by an employee of mine."

"Really?" Sunny said in surprise.

"It's a very unfortunate bit of business, but... I promise you that the matter will be dealt with. Internally. I just want to settle the issue for you. And to assure you that it's over with."

"An 'unfortunate bit of business'?" Bigby said with increasing frustration. "You're gonna tell us right now who killed them."

"Sheriff, I have complete respect for you and your job. I hope you know that. But I simply can't divulge that information." Crooked Man told him. "You really shouldn't worry yourselves. As I said, I've got this under control."

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