First Night on the Job (.1)

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Trigger warnings going in: violence against sex workers, physical violence, choking, a person getting attacked with an axe, decapitated head.

also! A little thing, but I wanted to give non Australian readers a heads up: While I will be trying to have titles like Mom spelt the American way, for all other grammar I'll be sticking to Australian spellings. So rather than "realize" I'll be spelling it "realise" for example.

Would you believe there was once a secret town tucked away in Manhattan? Completely normal from the outside but was home to beings known as Fables

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Would you believe there was once a secret town tucked away in Manhattan? Completely normal from the outside but was home to beings known as Fables. Cast out of their homelands because of war and disease. Now just trying to make it through the days.

No human (or Mundy, as the Fables liked to call us) was meant to know about this town. Despite this, information slipped through the cracks.

In most cases, if anything the Fables didn't want the world to know about did get out, it was covered up. Forgotten with a quick memory spell.

But some were determined. The connections they had formed with certain Fables were too strong. They refused to give up the precious memories of a friend or lover.

This was often how half-bloods came to be. At least, that's what they preferred to be called. A lot of Fabletown had less than civil names for them. The children of Fables and Mundies. Most could live without any contact with the Fables, but some weren't so lucky.

One of the unfortunate was Sunny Fei. A hero in our story.

Sunny looked down at the chicken scratch written on the back of her hand. Making sure she had the right time. She made her way down the hall to a door marked 'Business Office'. All while getting dirty looks from people lined up against the wall.

"Hey, lady! Get to the back of the line!" Sunny turned toward the voice.

"Sorry, I work here?" She told them. Somewhat bewildered.

The guy let out an annoyed huff as Sunny walked through the door.

"Good start," Sunny bitterly thought to herself.

As Sunny walked into the cavernous room, she looked around the place. She had forgotten how big it was since the last time she was there.

"Ms Fei?" A taller woman who Sunny recognised as Snow White made her way over. "Nice to see you again."

Sunny nodded to the other woman. "Likewise,"

A tall, grey-haired man started approaching her and White. He wore a pair of those tiny glasses that looked too small to work. Sunny remembered him as the one Aunt Cat couldn't stand. What was his name, Crane?

He similarly greeted Sunny to Snow. Offering her a friendly handshake.

"Is he here yet?" Sunny asked after a moment of silence. "The guy I'm supposed to working under, I mean?"

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