Undertale Universe - Part 2 - Battle of the Reality Warpers!

Start from the beginning

He threw it at Bill, which he stopped it and turned it into a bunch of roses.

He threw it at Bill, which he stopped it and turned it into a bunch of roses

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Bill: "Man, you are so pathetic, pal."

Danny fires a Ghost Ray, blasting Bill in the eye, causing temporary blindness.

Bill: "Now you just crossed the dang line, kid!"

Bill flew straight back into the fight and summoned earthquakes, which kills over a thousand people! Danny was enraged by this, which transforms him into the Phantom Flame Form.

Danny: "It's over, Bill!"

He flew straight towards him, only for someone to say...

???: "On the contrary, Daniel.

He was hit by a telekinetic force that sent him flying backwards. He recovers and Eon appeared.

 He recovers and Eon appeared

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Eon: "Hello again, Daniel."

Frisk: "What the heck is that thing!?"

Bill: "Hey, this is my show, pal! I'm the star of it all!"

Eon: "Someone who Tennyson and Daniel once thought they defeated," He answered.

Danny: "Eon!?" Danny gasps in horror.

Eon: "Surprised? I was the one who broke into the Foundation and used the Clockworks on myself. And thanks to that, I am now a limitless God of infinite power! And 'Eon' was a designation by my people who branded me as their conduit for new life. That name is outdated. I am so much more, now. I can feel the vibrations of the Multiverse at my fingertips. I can see beyond time and space...I've looked upon the face of God and saw myself in his throne. Now, his throne is but a mere stepping stool for what I've become. I am...DIVINITY!"

Before he continued his speech, a loud thud appears on the ground.

Before he continued his speech, a loud thud appears on the ground

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