Silent Moments: Nami's Watchful Care

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. ・ 。 . ・ ゜✭ ・ . ・ ✫ ・ .

Time skip Nami and Luffy are walking in the hallway along with Chopper, both having stayed very quiet and listened carefully to everything that was discussed during it.

Nami: Luffy, you should go to sleep now. You've been through a lot today, and you looked rather exhausted during the meeting. It would be best if you got some sleep and gave your body some time to recover.

Luffy: Yeah..Do you have my pills.

Nami: Yep, I've got them right here, in my purse.

Luffy: Can you get me some water? So i can take them.

Nami: Sure~ Here you go~ She smiles at him.

Luffy: Thanks Nami~ He smiles back.

Luffy takes the pills from Nami and gulps them down with the water.

Nami: Get some good rest, Luffy.

Luffy: We'll see about that.

Nami: Luffy answer my question, truthfully, are the pills losing there affects??

Luffy hesitates for a moment.

Luffy: Yeah... I don't get proper sleep most days because of that, but don't worry, I'll tell Law to increase the dosage of the pills. He laughs nervously.

Nami: You know what, lets go.

Luffy: Where?

Nami: To your room I'll watch you sleep, i know that you don't get nightmares when you sleep with, But its kinda weird why that happens.

Luffy grins at Nami's suggestion.

Luffy: Sure, let's go. Maybe you're my lucky charm against nightmares, but wouldn't other people question our relationship, you know why i wanna keep our relationship a secret right?

Nami: I know luffy, how about we keep chopper guard outside the door since he knows about us.

Luffy: You think that he'll do that? But why dont we ask him first. Do i ask him or you??

Nami: I'll do it.. She sighs.

Nami approaches Chopper and explains the situation to him. Chopper agrees to stand guard outside Luffy's room while Nami watches him sleep. He takes his duties as guard very seriously and stays glued to the door, making sure to be as quiet as possible.

Nami: Alright lets go he said that he'll keep guard outside.

Luffy: Okayy~

. ・ 。 . ・ ゜✭ ・ . ・ ✫ ・ .

Time skip, when they are in the room.

Luffy: Namii~ please take my tie off for me.

Nami nods and walks over to Luffy. She gently unties the knot in his tie and takes it off his shoulder.

Nami: Is that alright you big baby. She giggles to herself.

Luffy: Hmm~

Luffy takes off his coat.

Luffy: Should I take my shirt off~ He says teasingly.

Nami blushes red at his comment.

Nami: N-no.

Luffy: Are you sure cause i saw you staring at my abs when chopper was disinfecting my wounds. He says teasingly.

Nami: Y-yes keep it on. She blushes more.

Luffy: Alright suit yourself. He takes his shoes off and lays down on the bed and pats the bed.

Luffy: Come~ He says in a sleepy voice.

Nami who is still blushing nods at goes to the bed and sits on it.

Nami: Do you wanna lay your head in my lap?

Luffy: yeah~ Saying that luffy puts his head on nami's lap. Nami's heart swells with love for him, and she leans in to whisper a lullaby into his ear, her gentle voice carrying him off into a deep and restful sleep. His expression is peaceful, but even in sleep, the lines of tension are clear on his face. Nami's heart aches at the sight, knowing that Luffy carries so much weight on his shoulders. She gently brushing a strand of hair out of his face. In the dim light of the room, Luffy's face looks almost angelic, a stark contrast to the fierce warrior she usually sees him as.

. ・ 。 . ・ ゜✭ ・ . ・ ✫ ・ .

To be continued.

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