Brothers' Midnight Bonds

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Disclaimer: Some of the things mentioned in this chapter have not be in other chapters, i will be creating filler chapter so most of the things mentioned here will be in those.

Sabo: Do you feel better now?


Sabo: Do you wanna talk about your nightmare?

Luffy: No.

Sabo: Okay..

Luffy releases himself from sabo's embrace.

Luffy: Uh, sorry everyone. I didn't mean for you guys to see me like this. My bad.... He smiles.

Zoro: Luffy...dude, like, tell us what went down in Marine Ford? I'm worried about you, we all are.

Everyone: Yeah, Luffy.

Luffy: Look man, I'm not yet ready to talk about it, okay?

Luffy gets up from the bed.

Luffy: I'll be outside.

Luffy exits the cabin door and walks outside.

Zoro&Sabo: Luffy, he is in suffering from inside.

Robin: We really need Nami in situations like these.

Ussop: Why, what is she gonna do about it.

Robin: For your information, He is very close to Nami, and Nami knows what's going on inside his brain.

They all raise their eyebrows.🤨

Franky: How so?

Robin: Oops! Looks like I've already revealed too much! *Laughs nervously*

Sabo: I should really go check up on Luffy.

Everyone: Alright!

Sabo gently opens the cabin door and steps outside to find Luffy sitting alone among the flowers. He approaches Luffy and takes a seat beside him.

Sabo: What the hell! Why did you start smoking!!

Luffy: Don't ask about the cigarette, It's just a bad habit the I've picked up.

Luffy took a long drag of his cigarette, exuding a cloud of smoke that drifted away in the wind. He leaned back against the trunk of a nearby tree, his eyes fixed on the sky as if trying to find answers in the clouds.

Sabo watched him silently for a moment, taking in the sight of his younger brother so alone and vulnerable. He knew better than to press Luffy for answers, but he couldn't help wanting to know what was going through his mind.

Sabo: I won't ask anymore about it but shouldn't you quit smoking?

Luffy looked at Sabo with a slight smile.🙂

Luffy: I know, it's not good for my health.

He took another long drag on his cigarette before continuing.

Luffy: But it helps me calm my nerves a bit. Not to mention, it looks pretty cool, don't you think? He gave Sabo a playful smirk.

Luffy: Plus nami is trying to help me quit smoking. He says taking a puff out of the cigarette.

Sabo: And how exactly?

Luffy: She doesn't let me kiss her if i have a cigarette.


Luffy: lower your voice, or else someone would hear you, its supposed to be a secret.

Sabo: yeah, sorry but im gonna need an explanation for this.

Luffy: What do i need to explain exactly?

Sabo: Your relationship ship with nami? And who even is nami i need to know more about your crew.

Luffy: Nami...He smiles. First she's my navigator then my girlfriend and then your future sister in law.

Sabo: oooooh~ my little brother is in love~ He says teasingly.

Luffy's expression shifts to one of surprise and embarrassment as he tries to deflect the teasing.

Luffy: Yeah, mean...yes, I am in love with Nami. And she is my navigator and my girlfriend.

Sabo laughs at Luffy's reaction and puts an arm around his younger brother's shoulder.

Sabo: So, tell me more about her and how did you guys meet each other.

Luffy: Nami...She is the most beautiful navigator I've ever seen. She's kind, loyal, and really smart. She's my best friend and I trust her with my life. As for how we met its a funny story actually. We met in orange town it was love at first sight for me. Luffy's eyes softens as he speaks about Nami.

Luffy: Nami and I met in Orange Town, where she was working as a navigator for the local pirate group Arlong, But we didn't know that at that time. She stole the map to the grand line from buggy the clown, she got caught so she decided to team up with me only to betray me by taking me as a hostage to buggy the clown but she hand her own reasons for it, in the end i fought buggy and it was all good she joined my crew again but then she betrayed me again because she was stuck in a bad situation with Arlong, who was forcing her to draw maps for him. I was attracted to her right away, but she pushed me away at first, probably because of her situation. It wasn't until we found out the truth about Arlong's intentions that we started to get closer, and I helped her defeat him and save the people of the island.

Sabo: wow! Thats a crazy story!

Luffy: I know right!

Sabo: Tell me more about your crew.

Luffy: Well, there's Zoro, who is like my right-hand man. He's like my brother and I trust him with my life. Then there's Sanji, who is the cook on our ship. He's a bit of a player but he has a big heart and always looks out for us. We also have Chopper, who is our doctor. He's a reindeer who ate the Human-Human Fruit, so he turned into a human, but he's still a reindeer at heart. Next there's Robin, who is like our archaeologist and historian. She's a bit quiet and reserved but she's really smart and has a dark past. And then there's Franky, who built our ship and is basically a robot at this point, but he's still part of the crew! And last but not least, is Brook, who is our musician and also my favorite. He's a skeleton, and he plays the violin. He's such a romantic and always makes me laugh.

Luffy and sabo spend the whole night talking about luffy, his crew and nami. Luffy mostly talks about nami.

To be continued.

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