Sweet Misadventures: Chocolate Delights and Town Troubles

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.  ・  。  .  ・  ゜✭  ・  .  ・  ✫  ・  .
Pekoms: And now we have arrived.

Luffy: Look chopper check out all the different kinds of people.

Chopper: Awesome!

Luffy: And not only the bricks, and houses...and everything is made out of chocolate!!

He seems excited to be in a place where everything is made of chocolate, and wants Chopper to see how much chocolate surrounds them. He seems to be very happy about this discovery, as he loves sweets and chocolate. Chopper seems to be excited as well, as he's also a big fan of candy and sugary treats. everything are made out of chocolate!!

Chopper: Wow, it's like a dream come true! Chocolate baths! Chocolate clothes!

He seems excited to be in this place where everything is chocolate-themed, and can't wait to try all of the sweet snacks there are. He really enjoys candy and sugary treats, so this place seems like heaven to him.

Nami: Wow, this outfit is cute!

Carrot: You look so lovely Nami! ❤

Nami: Hi, how is it? Do I look like a pirate captain?~

Nami seems to be admiring the cute chocolate outfit she's wearing, and want to know the opinion of her boyfriend.

Luffy: You look pretty. He smiles at Nami, as he seems to be enjoying her chocolate outfit.

He looks at her with a warm and loving gaze, and seems to appreciate her adorable appearance. He's getting more used to seeing Nami in outfits like this, and seems to find her more and more attractive as time passes.

Brook: Nami-san, can I see your panties?

He says this in a slightly pervy tone, as he seems to be interested in seeing Nami's panties. He gives her a slightly smug look, as he's ready to see the panties and seems to think that she'll show him just because he asked.

Nami: No!

She says this quickly and loudly, and punches Brook to stop him from even thinking about seeing her underwear. She's not going to let him see her panties, period. She looks at him with a stern expression, as she's not about to show him or anyone her panties.

Pekoms: It'll take another day to teach whole cake island. Go load up on food supplies.

Carrot: Sure thing!

.  ・  。  .  ・  ゜✭  ・  .  ・  ✫  ・  ・    。  .

Time skip they arrive in town.

Luffy: Wow, this town is amazing! It's made of chocolate, and it's filled with delicious sweets!

Nami: Yeah, it's wonderful! We should definitely stock up on food supplies.

Luffy: Do you think that we are allowed to eat these?

Luffy points to some of the chocolate snacks that they're passing by, and seems to be curious about whether they're allowed to eat them or not.

Nami: I don't know, maybe~

Luffy: I'm gonna try one.

Nami: Alright, just don't get us in trouble.

She looks at Luffy with a slightly worried expression, as she doesn't want him to reveal there identities. She doesn't want to face big mom.

Luffy: I won't~

He reaches out to grab a chocolate window from one of the cafe's, and seems eager to give it a try. He looks at the chocolate with a curious expression, and seems to be wondering how it tastes. He's looking forward to enjoying the chocolatey goodness of the treat.

Luffy: Mmmm~ Chopper Nami, come try this out.

Luffy seems to be enjoying the chocolate snack he picked out, and wants Chopper and Nami to try it as well. He looks at them with a cheerful expression, as he seems excited to share the treat with them and wants them to enjoy it as much as he does.

Chopper and Namo take a bite from the chocolate snack, and seem to enjoy the taste of it. They smiles at Luffy, as there happy to have been able to try out some new chocolate. They seem to enjoy the sweetness of the snack, and the texture as well. They seem to really like chocolate, and is glad to have found a town that's completely dedicated to it.

Chopper: Mmmm~ Delicious

Chopper seems to really enjoy the taste of the chocolate snack, and is impressed by how good it is.

Nami: You're right.

She seems to agree with Luffy's sentiments about the snack. She also seems to enjoy its sweet and chocolaty flavor, and is glad that she's able to find good-tasting snacks in this town.

.  ・  。  .  ・  ゜✭  ・  .  ・  ✫  ・  ・    。  .

After having eaten a lot of chocolate during their time in town, Luffy and Chopper are feeling sick to their stomachs and are starting to regret all of the sweets they ate. They seem to have had too much sugar, and are starting to feel the side effects.

Police: You idiots, you're under arrest! For eating public property.

The police are insisting that they need to arrest Luffy and Chopper for being disruptive and causing a disturbance in the town.

Police: Oh.....its the owner of the cafe.

Nami: Oh! They've got us in trouble now.

???: Don't worry officer I've hired these guys to clean this up. They're expired anyways.

Police: Expired? Oh..Ok then our job here is done.

???: Why didn't you finish it all. She asks Luffy.

Luffy: We did...

???: Here have some more. She gets close to luffy and feeds him..

???: Why don't you guys come to my house, I have more stuff to eat..

Luffy looks at Nami for her approval.

Nami: Sure.

.  ・  。  .  ・  ゜✭  ・  .  ・  ✫  ・  ・    。  .

To be continued

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