Moonlit Confessions and Shared Affection

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Warning this is my au i dont own one piece or any of the characters and usually i write the story depending on my mood.

"Towards the end of the banquet, they head to Ryugu Place.

Shirahoshi: Mmfh! Please, no! You mustn't! Who are you, and why are you doing this?

Shirahoshi: Someone, anyone! She thinks to herself.

Caribou: Keh hehe hee! Don't glare at me that way, sweetheart! I ain't gonna hurt you, princess. You won't feel a thing! I have so much treasure now that selling a mermaid is a hassle, but you are a different story. All I'm gonna do is knock you out for a bit. I just heard that my brother and the rest are at the harbor! Let's take a little trip in the new world together! Okay~ princess.

Shirahoshi: Luffy!! She thinks to herself.

Caribou: STRAW HAT!! AHHHH!!

Shirahoshi: Oh! Luffyyy! Waaah! I was so scared!

Luffy: I didn't know that guy was still around.

Sanji: Luffy, you lucky dog! I wish I'd been the one to kick him! He says on the ground.

Guard: That was a close one! Once again, you all have my thanks!! To think that filthy treasure thief was still in the place!! Normally, we don't let a guppy inside! But with the battle raging, we left it vulnerable!

Nami: Wait a sec, did you say something about thieves, Mr. Minister? WHAT!! You mean that guy! Went and made off with all of the castle's treasure!

The guard: yeah.

Zoro & Usopp: I have a bad feeling about this....

Nami: They are national treasures! Aren't you gonna chase him?

King: After seeing that my people are safe and sound, mere treasure is cheap in comparison...

Nami: What if we get it back for you?

King: You are welcome to it... I would be happy to give it to people who saved our country.

Luffy: Let's go, guys. It seems Nami wants her treasure!

Zoro: Okay, Captain.

Nami: Oh! Thanks, Luffy. You are going even before I told you to!

Luffy: It's a gift, Nami. He gives her a genuine smile.

Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji go together to find the guy with the treasure.

Luffy: Hey, check it out!! Zoro, Sanji!!! I found him. That was too easy!!

Zoro: I guess your one punch knocked him cold. That's no fun.

Luffy: looks like you wanted to beat him up.

Zoro: sure did!

Sanji: Man, get a load of how much there is, and the Hairy King is really gonna give us this.

Luffy: Nami is going to be happy. He whispers to himself.

Zoro: So, he had all of this stuff stashed away in the swamp-like body of his...

The three of them: Oof! These are heavy.

Luffy: Okay, which way is town, Zoro?

Zoro: That way.

Sanji: Okay, we're going the opposite way.

Time skip, they reach the castle.

Luffy: I'm sorry, Nami. We were only able to salvage one bag of gold.

Zoro: He picked a fight with Big Mom.

Rest of the crew: BIG MOM!!

Nami: It's fine. At least we have one.

Jinbei: YOU PICKED A FIGHT WITH AN EMPEROR!! You shouldn't have done that.



Time skip, they are on their way to Punk Hazard at night. Luffy is sitting on top of the ship's head, and Nami comes and sits beside him.

Luffy: Hey~

Nami: Hey~ The weather is nice, isn't it?

Luffy: Yeah~ I missed you a lot those past two years.

Nami slightly blushed.

Nami: Yeah~ Me too~ Are you gonna sleep today? Namj said in a worried tone.

Luffy: Probably. I'll take a pill, so yeah.

Nami: Pill?!

Luffy: Yeah, Law gave it to me. It keeps my nightmares away. I eat it every other night.

Nami: Luffy~ She ruffles his hair.

Luffy: Yea~

Nami: Do you wanna talk about it? I mean, I'm not forcing you, but I think it's healthy for you to talk about it.

Luffy: Sure, why not~

He starts telling her how Ace died and what he felt at that time. Nami just listens to him quickly with some tears welling up in her eyes.

Luffy: Ugh! Gosh, I'm crying! He wipes his tears. Nami hugs him.

Nami: It's okay to cry once in a while.

He lets go of the hug.

Luffy: Thanks, Nami. Anyways, then I was rescued by Law, and he took care of my health while Hancock provided food for me which was really good,there was a lot of food,she would bring these huge buckets for me. It was kinda fun but, Raleigh put me through a lot of tough training.

Nami: It must have been hard.

Luffy: It wasn't that hard really. I was looking forward to meeting you again.

Nami: You mean the whole crew.

Luffy: them too but, i missed you the most i thought about you every day it was what made me keep going. He tenderly swept her hair behind her ear, his fingertips caressing the strands. Nami blushes.

Nami: I... umm-

Luffy: I love you, Nami i always have since day one. Please be my girlfriend.

Nami blushes, her eyes meeting Luffy's with a mixture of surprise and affection.

Nami: Luffy, I... I love you too, and i would love to be your girlfriend" she admits, a soft smile playing on her lips. The gentle sea breeze carries a sense of warmth as their connection deepens in the moonlit night. Luffy puts his hand on her cheek.

Luffy: Can I kiss you~ He says with a smirk.

Nami: Yea~

Luffy leans in, closing the distance between them, and their lips meet in a sweet, tender kiss. The moonlight reflects in Nami's eyes as the world around them seems to fade away, leaving only the warmth of their shared affection."

Luffy: lets keep it a secret for now.

Nami: alright.

To be continued

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