Sleepless Resolve

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In the morning, Luffy and the rest of the crew, including Law, boarded Bartholomew's ship and sailed to the island of Zou. With the help of the Weaver Card in their possession, they arrived at Zou in three days, and during the entire time, Luffy didn't get a single wink of sleep, and occasionally drank energy drinks to stay awake.

Luffy: Hey, Wanda, thanks for leading us to this place. Luffy says, his voice tired and hoarse from lack of sleep.

Wanda: No problem!

Zoro: Hey Luffy, you should really get some rest. Zoro says, concern in his tone.

Luffy: I'll get some sleep soon, I guess... Luffy replies with a slight smile, seemingly unconcerned about his lack of rest.

Zoro: Luffy! Zoro says in a tone suggestive of being annoyed.

Nami: Luffy!!! Nami comes rushing over to him and gives Luffy a tight embrace.

Luffy: Mmmm...Nami, you're so warm... Luffy says in a hoarse, exhausted voice as he relaxes into the embrace.

Nami: Luffy? Are you okay??

Luffy: Hmm..I'm fine~ Luffy croaks slowly, his tired voice giving him away, even though he's trying to keep a brave face. He pats Nami's hair, a reassuring smile on his face, and holds her gently.

Nami: Are you sure?

Luffy: Yep, I'm fine. Just need some sleep. Luffy confirms drowsily, his eyes slowly closing and his grip on Nami weakening.

Nami: Are you sure, sure?

Luffy:...yes. Just need some sleep... Luffy says with a small sigh as he relaxes, his head leaning onto Nami.

Nami: Would you like me to keep watch over you while you sleep?

Luffy: To tell you the truth, I would appreciate it if you could keep watch over me while I sleep.

Zoro: Ahem, Ahem. Others are present as well, mind you, not just you two.

Luffy: I should really get som-

Nami: LUFFY!!!

Luffy: Sorry, I just got a bit lightheaded for a moment...

Nami: Luffy! You really need to go and rest, after that there is something very important that i wanna talk to you about.

Luffy: I..i...don't...feel-

Nami: LUFFY!! Nami exclaims, shocked to find that he has suddenly passed.

Everyone: Luffy!!

Nami: Chopper! Chopper come here and take a look at him! Nami shouts, urgently calling for the crew's doctor, Chopper.

Chopper rushes over to Luffy's side and checks his pulse, breathing, and other vital signs. After a few moments.

Chopper: He's fine but it looks like he's hasn't been sleeping for a few days. Zoro... how long has he not been sleeping.

Zoro: About three days we all have been trying to get him to sleep but he wouldn't budge.

Nami: We should take him inside.

Everyone: Good idea.

Nami and Zoro help Chopper move Luffy to the place that there staying at. Nami sits on the bed where luffy is laying and starts stocking his hair.

Nami: I can't believe he hasn't slept for three days straight. What was he thinking?

Zoro: We've all been telling him that he needs to go to bed, but he just wouldn't listen.

Nami draws in a sharp breath and turns to Zoro.

Nami: ...Zoro, did he get that nightmare again? She asks, her tone and expression suggesting genuine concern for Luffy's wellbeing.

Zoro nods in affirmation.

Zoro: ...yes, in fact after defeating Doflamingo, Luffy experienced a terrible panic attack that caused him to lose consciousness. After he woke up he didn't sleep until now.

Nami: I can't believe I was so careless. I didn't even leave his sleeping pills behind.

Nami suddenly begins to feel a sense of guilt, and she lowers her gaze, looking down at the ground as if upset with herself. Zoro comforts her with a gentle gesture, trying to reassure her and remind her that it is not her fault.

Zoro: Don't beat yourself up too much, Nami. You did your best to help him. No one's perfect.

Nami: You're right, Zoro. I just wish I could have done more...

Suddenly, Luffy begins to stir and opens his eyes. He looks around, disoriented, before focusing on Nami.

Luffy: Nami? Am I dead?

Nami: Oh, Luffy! You're not dead, you just passed out. Are you okay now?

Luffy: Being with you makes such a difference. It's like all this weight has lifted off my shoulders. Luffy's voice softens as he speaks of this comforting effect, his expression suggesting that he is relieved by Nami's presence.

Nami gently taps Luffy's shoulder, signaling him to shutup.

Nami: Luffy, the whole crew is here. Nami whispers, her tone somewhat urgent. She can't help but chuckle nervously, as if not sure how Luffy will respond to this revelation.

Nami: Quit joking around luffy.

Luffy: Right! So where is sanji?

Nami: Luffy... Sanji got taken away.

Everyone: Wait what sanji!!

Nami: Yes...

As Nami explained the situation, the rest of the Straw Hats listened, shocked and concerned.

Ussop: We have to find him!

Robin: Right, we have to rescue him from Big Mom!

Zoro: Right! Whatever.

Luffy: I'll go save him, right now!

Nami: Luffy, you can't go out like this. You need to rest.

Luffy: I'll rest after I save Sanji. I can't let him down!

Zoro: We'll go with you, Luffy. The rest of you, get some rest. We'll need all the strength we can get if we're going up against Big Mom.

Luffy: Lets discuss the plan with law tomorrow morning, until then I'll take a little rest.

Everyone: Yes, Captain.

To be continued

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