11: Frisco green.

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How long had it been?, An hour?, A day?, A week?, A month? Or a year?, I didn't know, all I knew was that I woke up seeing Doña and since then, all I had seen was her and no one else.

Not even him .

I missed him so much yet he wouldn't even see me.

" Hi," Doña waved awkwardly, setting the food on the table. " I am sorry for whatever Vincenzo had done to you but you need to eat, it's been two days,"

Two days?, Here i thought i has been here for a week probably because of how numb and tired I felt, I didn't say a word.

My eyes fixed on the Frisco green wall beside me my hand tugged at the edge of the shirt I wore, I felt numb, both my body and on the inside , this isn't like the time I lost my parents.

Or the time my brother left me, I didn't feel numb then I was simply sad however this was different Vincenzo was more than family to me, he was my strength, he gave me strength.

He was everything to me.

Loosing him was like loosing my strength and myself.

" Lily," I flinched when I felt Doña's hand on me, she must have been saying something, whatever it was I didn't want to hear it.

I heard the door open again, I didn't lift my eyes probably because I was tired or I simply didn't want to.

" Lily," I heard his voice, if it were the Old me, I would have said something but I had nothing to say atleast not in front of his wife .

The only regret I had was that I had no children for him, maybe it's best I didn't. God knew what he was doing when he took our baby away.

He had other plans, He knew I would be left with nothing after the accident, he knew Vincenzo would leave me, maybe he would even take our baby away.

" You need to eat," he said .

I didn't reply.

" You need to eat Lily," I flinched when he barked yet I didn't turn.

" I said you need to eat," he shouted again placing the food in front of me, I wanted to, I wanted eat but I couldn't, I couldn't even lift my hand as he spooned the food and placed it in my mouth.

One the smell hit my nose, I felt a bile rise up my throat pushing him away which was almost impossible, I ran to the bathroom and threw up everything I had left in my stomach.

Great there goes my last chance of survival.

A hand pated my back slowly, " are you alright?, Sorry I mean sorry,"

After washing my mouth, I returned to my original spot, it was comfortable as I folded back to a ball.

" You have to eat," I heard Enzo say again in anger and something else I would call worry, was he worried?, No, he wasn't he couldn't be worried about me.

" You need to leave Vince, you are making her uncomfortable." Atleast someone noticed.

" I am not leaving Doña, she needs to eat,"

" No Vince, you being here isn't fucking helping, you're scaring her you fucker, don't you know how to be gentle with a woman." Doña shouted.

" But-," " you are not saying another word Vince or I swear I will be you up, just fucking leave." She shouted again." just leave," I whispered with my last remaining strength, Dona was right, his presence was disturbing.

I felt his burning gaze on me, he stood there for some minutes before I heard him huff and the open and close of the door.

To which I released a sigh.

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