5 : Lemon green; I hate you.

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I had never loved a man like I did Vincenzo, I was never the type to beg a man with myself, after realizing what I had done, I was more disgusted with myself than before.

" A penny for your thoughts," I heard Mika waved her hand in the air dramatically, my other friend Susan stared at me as if I had grown horns within a second.

"What?," I queried. We were at the cafeteria for our lunch break which was the longest we had since I started working here, Mika sat in front of me while Susan sat beside her.

" Girl, I have been speaking to you since the last thirty minutes and you have not said a thing, where the hell were you cause you definitely wasn't with us," Mika pouted while Susan nodded in agreement.

"I, sorry," I cleared my throat," I was lost for a while, what were you saying again?," I smiled.

"You aren't feeding me that lie but if you don't want to talk now, I won't push it, " Mika snorted dramatically, " so, I wanted us to go shopping tomorrow, we all have the day off don't we, I want to take you to a party, it is being held by my brother friend and it's in a weeks time, I figured we might be busy the whole of next week so let grab our chance and go Tommorow" she chatted without breathing going back to the lively Mika I knew.

"I," "oh yeah you're gonna come with us, you need to have some fun girl, stop sucking over your foolish ex-husband, he is a fool to have chosen you over some random woman," Susan, the quiet Sus!!!, Like the Susan who was more quiet than me said.

"Way to go Sus," Mika cheered her on hitting her feebly on her back. While I was still gapping.

"Okay then, it's settled, you're coming with us," Mika concluded clapping in excitement, while I just gapped.

Maybe they were right, a little fun won't hurt.

We ate our food and went back to work as usual. The rest of the day went on with my routine of going home exhausted and having to sleep on my sofa, I noticed I was getting weaker and weaker.


" Oh my God that dress is HIDEOUS," Mika yelled at the lemon green dress I had on.

"I mean the color alone and it covers way too much skin, it has way to much fluff for an evening dress, I mean you look like you are wearing unicorn puke," Mika described the dress in distaste.

And in case you are wondering, YES, you heard it right, a party, we were going to an evening PARTY, I mean where else would you wear an evening dress to.

I had never attended a party before and I was as nervous as hell.

" Yeah, that color doesn't look good on you Lil, you look like an hideous alien pood on you," Sus added with a grimace.

I tried on many dresses but Mika had something to say about them and since she was the fashion expert, she was able to push Sus and I in any direction she wanted.

"This is it, this is perfect.," Mika squealed at the dress I had on.

It was a simple midnight blue dress with halter neck, it hugged all my curves perfectly reaching only a little above my knee with a little slit on the right side showing a little skin.

"Really?," I asked twirling around since I had never worn something like that, I was used to wearing my simple trousers and t-shirts, or my sundresses and since Vincenzo never complained, I never tried looking better.

"She is right it's perfect Lil," Sus added with a wink.

I stared at myself in the huge floor length mirror and they were right, if I wasn't being self conscious, I would have called myself a model, it was perfect though, afterall the dress exhuded confidence.

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