I try covering my ears but it's in my head.

It doesn't make a difference and the whispering is still there.
I can feel my heart beating faster to match the speed of my thoughts-

"Are you alright, Leibling?" He asks, and for the first time, I might actually see a hint of genuine concern on his face.

"Do you hear that?"

His face drops.
The air is suddenly filled with an unsettling atmosphere.

"The whispering..." I hate how frightened my voice comes out. But my brain feels overcrowded, and I'm struggling to think straight.

"Whispering?" His face is painted with confusion which then turns to worry.

The voices which won't go away makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I hate how the whispering is still there if I put my hands over my ears. It's constant and it won't stop- make it stop-

"Leibling, it's okay, calm down. We'll get that sorted out..."


He's put me in what looks like an interogation room. On the way here, with every step I took, the whispering seemed to get louder and more clearer. Although I still can't understand what they're saying. Plus, the silence only makes it seem louder. Vlad has left the room, but I'm sure he's watching me from the suspiciously large mirror on the wall facing me. And who knows how many eyes are behind the mirror. I can feel them bore into me, watching me, analysing me as I sit there with my hands over my ears. It's all starting to give me a headache.
And it's cold as fuck.

The door swings open and Vlad walks in, placing a clipboard on the table. He takes the chair infront of me, placing a pen on the table too.

"I just have to ask a few questions before we get this sorted out, okay?" He speaks in a soft, sympathetic tone that makes me want to bawl my eyes out.

I nod, just wanting this to be over.

"What are you hearing? Just try to describe it."
I sigh, trying to compose myself.
"Whispering. And it's gotten louder since being in this room."
He frowns and starts writing on his clipboard.
"And what does it sound like?"
I think for a second, struggling to find the words. My brain feels like mud and the constant noise only in my ears isn't helping.
"Two other voices. It sounds like me, but I'm not the one saying it."

I sound insane. I think I might actually be going insane.

He continues writing.

"I think we're going to give you a tablet and see if it will stop the voices. But we just have to check if it can also be mixed with your... anxiety medication. How does that sound?" He explains as he picks up his clipboard and stands up.
The headache is getting worse. I close my eyes to see if it helps, but shock horror, it doesn't.

He re-enters the room after a few minutes, and places a tiny paper cup in front of me. Inside it, a small white tablet.

"The pill should give you some peace. Take it and wait a couple of minutes."

I stare at the tablet. My heart is saying fuck no. Who knows what the tablet contains. But my brain is screaming at me, begging for some quiet.
Fuck it.

I tip the cup into my mouth and swallow, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. I sit there, praying that it works. The minutes seem like hours of pure torture. My ears long for silence and for the voices to stop...

Everything starts to slowly go quiet, like someone's turning down the volume button. The whispering fades away and I feel my body relax. I take my hands away from my ears.

Thank fuck.
I exhale loudly, a sudden wave of fatigue enveloping me like a heavy blanket.

I look up to see Vlad looking me up and down, his face full of worry.
"Is it gone? Do you feel better?"


"That's good. Perfect." He seems to relax slightly too, as though he's just dodged a bullet. It sets me on the edge though. There's something about the way he first reacted to the situation earlier. He seemed too... accustomed to it. Too comfortable about the fact that I was hearing freaky shit. As though he knew the reason.
Maybe he knows the reason.
"Why? Why was I hearing voices?"

He suddenly straightens up, and hesitates to answer.
"You know what that was? A little trick that our bodies play on us to make us stay alert... Some parts of the body react too intensely and this causes our brains to produce a bit too many signals. The effect is like hearing voices. Don't worry, it happens sometimes and it's completely natural."

His tone is as condescending as it can get, and it pisses me off royally. None of that shit was natural. It was supernatural, if anything. I'm not buying a single word he said. And apparently my face says so, because he tries to convince me futher.

"Just don't worry, okay? The tablet will last a long time. You really shouldn't worry about the little things." He says, with a smirk. He makes me want to bang my head against the wall. That bullshit is not the real reason, and we both know it.
He starts gathering up the things on the table.
I've only been here two days and this place drives me mental.

Two days.

Two days?
The very familiar words suddenly ring a bell...
The night Vlad and the Sponsor were talking- they mentioned two days. My mind starts to bounce off the walls and I come to the realisation that the date circled on Vlad's calendar is today.

"Did you know this was going to happen?! Did you plan this shit?" The words fall out of my mouth before I can stop them.

Just as he's opening the door, he stops and slowly turns around.
"I'm sorry?"

"You knew this was going to happen. When you were talking the other night... and the date on your calendar."

He looks shocked for a second, before becoming stern.
"I will not carry this conversation any further." He adds, more softly, "You ask too many questions." He slams the door behind him.

440 veiws is craaaazy honestly thank you so much <333
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