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"Y/N," his voice sent chills down your spine.

You turned around to face him. Instead of the hardened face he had when you first opened the door, you were staring at a broken one.

There were bags under Megumi's eyes, like he hadn't had a good nights sleep in days. He was paler than usual. He was fighting to hold back tears.

"Oh-" you wanted to give in and hug him tightly.

But, what if you couldn't stop Noritoshi still? You had made significant progress but he was still stronger.

You held back, averting your gaze from his saddened eyes. He sighed, his head dropping slightly.

"Please, just tell me what I did wrong." He quietly pleaded.

"What?" You returned to look at him.

"You don't have to forgive me. I won't beg you to stay. But please just tell me why. What did I do to lose you?" He finally shed a tear, unable to hold it in any longer but he quickly wiped it away.

"Fushiguro, you didn't-" you stopped yourself.

What were you supposed to do? Tell him he didn't do anything but give him no explanation as to why? You couldn't tell him the truth.

"You won't even call me by my name anymore." He whispered.

He stepped forward, closer to you. You stared at him with a loss for words. He reached out and gently placed his hand on your cheek. His cold touch was unusual.

"Y/N, I don't know what I did to push you away, but I'm sorry. You're my best friend. I- I can't imagine a life without you by my side, even if that's just as a friend. If you feel bad because you want to pursue Yuji, then that's completely fine. I won't be upset. I just need you in my life. I just can't stand you hating me. So whatever I did, please forgive me. Tell me how to fix us." His hand was shaking on your face as he spoke, desperate for your approval.

Your heart was breaking at the sight in front of you. You had done this to him. You had hurt him so badly.

"Megumi," as you said his name, you could see a hint of hope in his eyes, "I-I'm so sorry." You brought your hand up to his on your face and held it.

You sank to your knees and he followed suit, removing his hand from your face as you both sat. You began crying.

"I'm so sorry, Megumi. You don't deserve this. I don't deserve you." You wiped your tears while talking.

"Please, just tell me what going on so I can fix it." He plead.

"You can't fix it. I don't want you to. You have to promise me that you won't act without my permission in this." You grabbed his hand and looked into his dark eyes.

He gripped your hands and nodded in agreement. As you explained what happened when Noritoshi approached you, you could see things clicking for Megumi.

"I had to push you away, Megs. I can't let you ruin your life for me." You looked away from him, ashamed.

"Y/N, you idiot." Your gaze snapped back to him as he chuckled.

"What?" You breathed.

"You are the most important thing to me. Doing something to help you would never ruin my life. I wish you would've come to me first. We can find a solution together. I want to be by your side, romantic or not, I don't care. But I'm here for you." He spoke like a weight had been lifted off his chest.

"I'm so sorry," you let out a sob, "I am so sorry for putting you through pain."

Megumi wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into him. He squeezed as you breathed in his calming scent between sobs.

"I'm just glad I know now. Thank you for opening up to me." He spoke quietly as he held you close.

"Megumi," you pulled back to look at him, his arms still around you.

"Hm?" He looked into your eyes.

"It wasn't because of Yuji. I- I still don't know my feelings yet. Not saying you'd still even want to date me- i didn't mean that! I just put you through hell, so I'd totally get it if you just want to be friends. I'm just saying that if you wanted to go on some dates or-" you were nervously rambling, not quite sure how to put your thoughts into cohesive sentences.

Megumi lowly chuckled, he moved one of his hands from your back, to your cheek and pulled your face gently closer to his own. You stopped talking and your breath hitched.

"I still like you, Y/N. I always will." His voice was low but he spoke with conviction, your lips only centimeters apart.

You shut your eyes and closed the small gap, connecting your lips. Megumi's hand slid back into your hair, while pulling you closer into him.

Your lips moved slowly in sync. The only noise in the room was your hushed breathing. After a couple of minutes, he pulled his lips from yours slightly.

"I could kiss you all night, Y/N. But I don't want you to regret anything. Let's say goodnight." He smiled warmly at you, both of your cheeks were blushed.

You both stood up. He engulfed you in another hug, tightly squeezing you.

"I won't regret that at all, Megs." You spoke into his chest.

He smiled as he pulled away. He walked towards your door and waved before opening it and stepping out into the hallway.

"Goodnight, Y/N. Thank you." He said before closing your door behind him.

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