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The four of you stood outside of a tall, abandoned building. You and Yuji had just exorcised the curse that was inhabiting the place, along with saving a small child who had been inside.

"I'll walk him home," Megumi offered, crouching down to the little boys height to talk to him, asking him if he knew where he lived.

You couldn't help but smile at how adorable the sight was. Megumi always put on a hard face but you knew he was really a softie at heart. As the ravenette walked away with the child, Yuji came up to you.

"Your technique is so cool!" You knew Yuji would bring it up after seeing it in action, "so like can you just make things with your blood?"

"Blood manipulation allows me to control and shape my own blood beyond its natural form. Right now I can only control my external blood to create objects like weapons." You explained to him.

"External blood?" He cocked his head to the side.

"Blood that isn't inside my body anymore. I have to carry around blood bags with me, so that I have easy access." You pulled a small bag filled with blood out of your bag.

"And it has to be your own blood?" He poked the bag, making you chuckle.

"Yes. I can only manipulate my own blood. I just get my blood drawn and divvied into bags for me to take with on missions and such." You were used to this, but could see how new and weird it was for Yuji.

"Well you seem pretty strong. What grade are you considered?" Yuji had just learned the ranking system.

"Second grade. However, I'm just waiting for a promotion to semi-grade one," you told him.

"Woah! You're really pretty and strong?! A total knock out," he playfully winked at you.

Yuji admitted to himself that he was attracted to you, but would just play it off jokingly for now. He couldn't tell what sort of relationship you and Megumi had at this point and didn't want to interfere.

Soon enough, Megumi returned and Gojo offered to take you all out for a celebratory dinner. The group decided on sushi and headed for a nice restaurant.

Both Yuji and Megumi were hoping to sit next to you, but were defeated when you sat next to your Sensei. As you ate, Yuji kept stealing glances at you between conversations with everyone else.

Megumi noticed this before you did and was feeling uneasy. He liked Yuji, a lot. There hasn't been someone he could call a friend in a long time besides you, so having him around was nice.

But, he didn't like the way he looked at you. Megumi had been by your side for years now. He was your best friend and you were his. He had always felt a sense of security that'd you'd always be there.

Honestly he didn't want to see you getting along with another boy like that. He wanted to be the one who made you smile, forever. He just didn't think he'd feel so threatened so soon.

You tapped Megumi's leg under the table with your own, grabbing his attention. You gave him a concerned look and mouthed 'you ok?' To which he responded with a nod.

He took a deep breath to clear his thoughts. He decided that he would just have to show you how much more you meant to him than just a friend. He couldn't let someone else sweep you off your feet.

Later in the evening the car rolled back up to Jujutsu High. You were dead asleep in a food coma after eating so much sushi.

"I'll bring her to her dorm," Megumi said quietly, undoing your seatbelt and picking you up.

This wasn't a rare occurrence. Megumi had carried you many times over the years. You were as light as a feather to him so he had no problem doing it. In fact, he enjoyed the comfort he felt while holding you against his chest.

Megumi unlocked your dorm with his copy of the key and brought you inside. He gently laid you on your bed. He sat on the side and started unlacing your shoes.

"Thanks, Fushi," you mumbled the nickname you gave him half asleep.

"Goodnight, Y/N," he took your shoes off and pulled the blanket over your body.

He left your dark room and was locking the door when Yuji approached.

"You have a key to her room?" He asked.

Megumi nodded, "We've been close for years, I've had to carry her to bed a few times like this before so it's useful." He shrugged, sliding his keys back into his pocket.

Yuji changed the subject, inviting Megumi to come play video games in his room but he declined saying he was too tired tonight. The two said their goodbyes and made there way to their respective dorms.

 The two said their goodbyes and made there way to their respective dorms

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