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"You found what?!" You dropped your jaw in shock looking at your Sensei and classmate.

"A vessel for Sukuna," Megumi reiterated to you.

"He's actually going to be joining you two as our third first year!" Gojo grinned devilishly, clapping his hands together.

"He's a kid?!" You were still in utter disbelief at what the two were telling you.

Megumi explained how he had found 'Itadori' when looking for one of Sukunas fingers. Apparently he was able to suppress Sukuna inside his own body.

"Holy shit, this kid sounds insane," You hadn't noticed that Gojo left during Megumi's explanation.

Now, walking back toward you was the white haired teacher and a pink haired boy you could only guess was your new friend. Though, he wasn't at all what you had imagined him to be.

"Y/N, this is your new classmate," Gojo chuckled introducing you.

"Hi! I'm Yuji Itadori, it's nice to meet you!" He had a huge smile plastered on his face.

Warily, you stuck your hand out to shake his, "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N Kamo, but please just call me Y/N."

"Hi Fushiguro!" He waved at the dark haired boy.

"He is way too upbeat to be Sukuna's vessel", you thought.

Fushiguro didn't say anything, just nodded his head slightly. That was nothing new. Megumi had always been the quiet type. You had been friends for years at this point, both of you having Gojo as a mentor.

"Get settled in your dorm quickly, Yuji. Then let's all meet at the field, we have some important things to discuss." Gojo waved as he left dormitory building.

Fushiguro immediately turned to go into his room. You were left standing in the hallway with Itadori.

"Wanna help? It'll go by quicker," he motioned to his room, still with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Sure," you gave a small smile, following him into his room.

He started taping up posters on the wall while you looked through the rest of his boxes for something to put away. You watched as he put up a bikini poster and rolled your eyes.

"Really?" You scoffed and he chuckled.

"Hey, don't judge me, I like pretty women!" He tried defending himself.

"You like objectifying pretty women, you mean" you shot back.

"Woah woah woah, you've got be all wrong, Y/N. I'm supporting this beautiful woman by buying her poster so she can have a stable income." He beamed, ultimately making you giggle.

"Fine, whatever," you rolled your eyes again, more playfully this time.

"I hope this didn't taint your first impressions of me," He seemed a little anxious.

"Hm, I'm not sure if I have a true impression of you yet, Itadori," You didn't calm his nerves with that statement.

He straightened himself out after finishing the posters and walked over to you. He took one of the boxes out of your arms and put it on the floor before returning to your gaze.

"Well then, let me make one. My names Yuji Itadori, I'm 17, I ate a really gross finger that belonged to a curse and now a really weird dude lives inside of me, I want to help other people, and I think you're really pretty!" He rambled, at first you laughed at his 'introduction' but then your eyes widened.

Seeing your shocked face he smiled again. He wanted to make you smile too. This kid was nothing like you were used to.

"How was that?" He urged you to respond.

"Pretty informative. You did lose some points by telling me you ate a cursed finger, that's pretty gross, but you gained some back with the compliment. So, I'd say it was decent," You chuckled with an affirmative nod.

"Good enough for me," he shrugged, "Now let's go meet up with Fushiguro and Gojo!"

You followed him out of his dorm and walked to the field. Megumi was sitting on the bleachers. Gojo was no where to be seen, he was always late.

"Hey! Fushiguro!" Itadori smiled and waved again.

Megumi looked up, but not at him. It felt like his stare was directed at you. He noticed that both of you came out at the same time, likely meaning you had been together.

"What were you doing?" He asked you as came closer.

"Just helping Itadori unpack," you said, sitting down on the bleachers somewhat next to him.

There was enough space for Itadori to sit in the middle and Megumi noticed him climbing up to the spot. Before he was close enough to sit, Megumi scoot closer to you, closing the gap, making himself be in the middle.

"Do you guys know what we're doing?" Itadori asked, leaning forward to look at you both.

"Probably training," Megumi said, in his usual monotone voice.

"Where's Gojo?" He asked another question.

"He's always late." You sighed, leaning your head on Megumi's shoulder as you did so, "We'll probably be here awhile."

Megumi tensed up, although he was used to you doing things like this, it was different with Yuji being right there. He knew you didn't think anything of it, but it was special to him.

"Hey, Y/N, what's your technique?" Itadori asked you.

"Blood Manipulation," You said, sighing.

"Why the sigh? That sounds sick!" He seemed eager to know more.

"It's my clans prized cursed technique. If you didn't notice earlier when I told you to call me by my first name, I'd rather not be associated with them." You had sat up now, leaving Megumi's shoulder feeling lighter but empty.

He knew how much you hated your ties to the Kamo clan. Before you could say anything further, he put his hand on your arm, reminding you to calm down.

"Oh, well then you should call me by my first name too! That was it's less awkward for you." Yuji smiled once more, making you smile as well.

"Thanks, Yuji. I appreciate it." You smiled at both of the boys for helping you feel more comfortable.

"Let's go!" Gojo's loud voice caught everyone's attention, he was getting into a car and beckoning for you all to join.

"Let's go!" Gojo's loud voice caught everyone's attention, he was getting into a car and beckoning for you all to join

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Y. Itadori VS M. Fushiguro X Reader Where stories live. Discover now