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"It's fine. I'll take her to her room." Megumi insisted on carrying you.

Earlier, you had passed out in his arms from the physical and emotional stress. Once Shoko was done patching you up he scooped you back up and headed for your dorm.

As he walked in the darkness he finally let himself cry. Tears silently dripped down his face as he thought about how he would never see Yuji again.

The pink haired boy had made such a big impact on his life in such a short amount of time. His heart hurt for you as well, he hated seeing you so broken.

As Megumi laid you in your bed, you reached out your arm and grabbed the edge of his shirt. He stopped and looked down at you.

"Please stay, Megumi." You croaked through your sniffling.

Megumi nodded and sat down on the floor next to your bed, reaching up to hold your hand. He rubbed his thumb across it in circular motions to try and comfort you enough to fall back asleep.

No more words were spoken that night. The two of you sat there, only breaking the silence with small cries and sniffles. Each time either of you heard the other crying, you'd squeeze their hand.

For the next few weeks you and Megumi would spend the night in each others rooms, not wanting to be alone. Sometimes you'd fall asleep laying on the ground, others times you'd hold eachother through the night.

"Are you okay?" Megumi whispered, hearing you sniffle as your head rested on his chest.

"I just miss him." You said, wiping your tears.

"I know, me too," he placed his arm on your back and rubbed it soothingly.

You took a deep breath, Megumi's scent was overwhelmingly comforting. You buried your head back into him, trying to fall asleep.

"Y/N?" He whispered even quieter this time, seeing if you were awake still.

You didn't respond. Whether you were too tired or just too lazy, you weren't too sure. He sighed and kissed the top of your head, you felt that familiar rush of butterfly feelings invade you.

"I like you," he whispered, thinking you were asleep.

You didn't move a muscle, not wanting to risk embarrassing him or yourself in this situation. There was no way you'd fall asleep now.


The next day, Gojo explained that you two would participate in the Kyoto sister school exchange event. You groaned.

"Do I have to?" You sighed, Megumi gave you an empathetic look.

"Hey, I know you don't want to see your brother but just use this an opportunity to beat him!" Gojo slyly smiled.

"Half brother." You corrected.

Noritoshi Kamo, a third year at Kyoto Jujutsu High, was your older half brother, and the heir to your clan. Unfortunately for you, even though you had both been 'blessed' with blood manipulation, the clan, and your father, favored Noritoshi heavily.

They treated him like a special prince who could do no wrong. He did whatever they required of him and followed them like a lost puppy. He had no mind of his own.

Of course, because of this special attention, he had proper training and was far more advanced than you at blood manipulation. There was no doubt that he could beat you in a fight, but you had given up on thinking you could ever best him a long time ago.

Now, you just wish you could leave the Kamo name behind. You often wished your mother had left the clan just as Megumi's father had done with the Zenin clan, taking you with and giving you her name instead.

Though, you did enjoy the fact that the Kamo clan had been so upset about your friendship with Megumi. If he had been apart of the Zenin clan, there's no doubt they would have pawned you off to be married to him, uniting the clans. However, he was useless to them now, making your relationship all the more annoying for them.

Megumi never treated you differently based on your family. Since the moment you met as kids, to the present, he had always just let you be your own person.

In your moment of reminiscing you couldn't help but think how funny it would be if you and Megumi did end up together. You could officially leave the Kamo clan that way, and make their blood boil at the thought of their missed opportunities.

'What am I thinking?! Marrying Megumi? I- I could never-" your mind began racing.

"Hey, you ok?" He brought you back to reality.

"I- yeah. I'm good. Just thinking about having to see Noritoshi again." You lied.

As you looked over at Megumi, you really took in his features. He really was handsome, but you had always known that. You'd be lying to yourself if you said you'd never thought of him as more than your best friend.

But, you couldn't risk ruining the relationship you had with him. You don't know how you could ever live with yourself if things turned sour and he wasn't by your side as your best friend.

Plus, there was Yuji. Your heart hurt. You missed him so much. His cheesy smile replayed in your head multiple times a day. You reminisced about the kiss you had shared. You had feelings for him, that was no lie, but he was gone now.

Was it awful of you to have those feelings for Megumi too? You audibly groaned in frustration before stomping off, leaving the ravenette very confused.

Was it awful of you to have those feelings for Megumi too? You audibly groaned in frustration before stomping off, leaving the ravenette very confused

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