Another Day

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Notes before you begin reading:

- Eden Is Online -

Hey dears, I have no fucking idea what I'm doing so don't expect the timeline to make any fucking sense. I think in this chapter I might introduce Nicole's character and the teachers if I still feel like writing. I don't really know though since the whole writing process is new to me. With all that said, enjoy.


I wake up to my mom yelling at her new boyfriend about her recent pregnancy scare or something. 'It's four in the morning. I don't even cut myself at four in the morning.'

Knowing that she's in a bad mood I decide to do the logical thing and play the My Little Pony 80s intro on repeat as I get ready for hell. I can hear the male yelling back now so I know this argument is stopping soon. (cause my mom's a pussy)

By the time I'm done putting on clothes, both cars have left the driveway and I'm back to being alone in a big ass suburban house. I was going to eat some Lucky Charms before leaving but I changed my mind and decided to just throw on some Doc Martin's and begin walking to 7/11. It's still dark outside so school probably hasn't started.

I go to 7/11 with thirty dollars and a fake ID. I decided to get beer, an Icee, and a Monster. After grabbing all three I go to the counter to pay. The man behind the desk takes my items and smirks, "What's a pretty little lady like you doing with alcohol this early in the morning." I know my ID says twenty-one, but this man looks sixty that's still pedophilia... I think. "Fuck off and kill yourself," I say quickly as I grab my items and leave.

Now I begin walking to school. A few men honk at me while I walk down the sidewalk making it so much more uncomfortable. 'I don't look that much like a girl, do I?' I hug my arms close to my chest and walk faster as I get closer to the school.

When I get to the school it's still closed so I decide to sit outside on my Nintendo Ds until they open.







Turns out my first period is with this disgusting little shit, Jeffery. He keeps saying shit about Korean cartoons. It doesn't make it any better that he has a gay ass cartoon voice all the time and he's far from attractive. And if he somehow thinks that the girls are in love with him. 'I swear to god if he doesn't shut the fuck up, I might kill myself.'

"Hey, you're pretty cool, I've never had someone talk to me this long. 🤓" Oh god was he speaking to me this whole time, what do I say to this disgusting little shit. I take a deep, long sigh and decide to reply to this waste of space virgin. "My middle finger gets a boner every time I see you."

"So, you think I'm attractive too huh? 🤓"

Oh, my fucking god I thought he's supposed to be the smart one. Is he attracted to middle fingers too?? "You look like a creature from the black lagoon. I don't think anyone can be insane enough to like you, fugly bitch." Oh. My. God. He looks shooked. "Hey, that's not funny, you shouldn't joke about things like that. You could seriously hurt someone's feelings. 🤓"

"Do yourself a favor and ignore anyone who tells you to be yourself. It's a bad idea in your case." Oh, shit I think the teacher's coming...







My second period is P.E and the teacher is obese. He's already talking too, and we've barely just walked in, "Look it's the first day..." I stopped listening after that but then some white girl started talking about buckles, so my attention was regained by the time I was listening I heard...

"Nicole, you want my number too?"

"Now this is the first-class Nicole, ya won't be a problem all year, will ya?"

"... No, sorry."

'...And now I'm bored.' I start walking towards the boy's locker room until the fatass coach jumps in front of me with a big BOOM. "Whoa big guy, the fuck you think you're doing?" I back the fuck up as I say that. "Yer files tell me ya think that yer a boy, is this true girl?" I remove my earrings and tuck them deep in my pocket. "What did you call me lil boy."

[Insert epic school fight]

Anyways, I got suspended for a week or something, so that's cool. Mom didn't really care though because I gave her three hundred dollars. I convinced Kyler to hang out with me so right now I'm going to 7/11...


Notes from the author:

Hey, my sweets, my hypothesis was a little off about this whole chapter but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. Also sorry for any typos or inconspicuous writing errors. I hope you liked this little writing drabble. Love yourself. XoXo <33

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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