Ah, Shit,


I took a clean look at the kitchen, in the lounge, even the bathroom and then the last place where anyone could be.

The bedroom.

I opened the door, "Eris!" My heart dropped when I saw room. Everything in it was messed up, as if someone was frantically searching for something.


I immediately knew what it was.

NO! No! No! Shit!

I ran to the cupboard and opened it up. The inside was equally messy and seeing that made me frown. I went straight for the hidden compartment of the cupboard but noticed how it was broken.

My chest clenched as my hand searched for the sachet I put there. The sachet of money that I needed to pay bills with.

But nothing was there. My eyes closed in defeat and I clenched my fists in anger.

I was sure Dad wouldn't find it. I was sure because this was a secret compartment I made myself. The tip of my nose felt queasy as hopelessness rose.

"Gosh," I seethed the words, "Dad why? Why do you have to be such an asshole?" I looked down at my feet.

Now what?

I don't even have the money to feed Eris! I already got my pay in advance. I bit my lower lip in frustration.

What now?



Eris's voice made me jump

"Eris!!" I ran out of the room to go to her, "Where the hell were you-" But just as I came out and looked at the main door, I stopped.

Eris was standing there, safe, for now at least, but she was holding the hand of someone I did not want to see.

"Sera," Hulio, a debt collector who came every month to get money from my father, was here. His 5'7 height along with bulky frame smiled at me, "You're here."

"Eri," I opened my arms, "Come here," She came running over as soon as I called, "What did I say about going out with stranger?" I scolded her.

"Come on, now," Hulio spoke before Eri could even reply, "I'm not a stranger," He stepped closer to me and I immediately hit Eris behind me, "We meet every month," He passed me a nasty smile that send shivers down my spine

"Your business is with Dad, you should come when he's here." I replied.

"Well, he's never really here." He stepped closer, "And you always pay in his stead so I don't need to keep an eye out for him."

"I-I don't have the money," I replied, "Dad took all of it,"

His smile only got bigger, "But you have to pay up," He walked over fast, scaring me, "You need to pay today. You're already behind on payments." He came and grabbed my shoulders.

"I said I don't have the money," I tried to get his hands off my shoulders, "Come back some other day." He was creeping me out. But then again, he had always creeped me out.

"I said you NEED to pay up today," He got his face closer and I moved further away

"I told you I have no money to pay you with!"

"You don't have to pay with money then," He stuck out his tongue and tried to lick my face. It got me so creeped out and frantic, I slapped his face before he could do that.

His grip got slightly loose and his face moved to the side. I got away from him and moved to the corner of the house, "Leave."

He turned his head toward me again, "You bitch!" He took out his gun, "You're paying one way or another!" He cocked his gun and the fear began to consume me, "Get in the bedroom!"

He grabbed my arm, pulling me away from Eris

"Sera!" She panicked,

"Stay there!" I managed to tell her even though I was scared out of my wits as well. Hulio opened the bedroom door, dragging me in with him. He pushed me inside making me fall on the ground.

"Take off your clothes," He looked down at me, "And I'll count as this month's debt paid." I felt sick, utterly queasy. All of my being went into a state of panic.


I don't want to open my legs for a creep!

He turned out to close the door and I shot my head around to look for something to protect myself with. Anything at all.

"Look, you're a beautiful young girl and you're in trouble." He gestured Eris to move away from the door so he could close it, "And you need the money, I can give-"

The loud sound of a big flower pot crashing on his head made Eris flinch. Hulio's words got because of the sudden impact and he was down on the floor right the next instant. The door opened a jar and blood began to pool out of his head.

I had done it. I picked up the flower pot and threw it on his head, but seeing how his eyes rolled back and he fell made my knees go weak for a moment and I fell.

Eris backed away into the lounge in fear while I watched as blood pooled around him.


I shook my head as the dirty blood came to taint my hands.


I stood up, my hands trembling as I went into the lounge.

What have I done?

"Sera..." Eris, my little half-sister clung onto my clothes while trying to understand what had happened.

I couldn't focus on her, all of my focus was on my trembling hands that had blood on it.

I let down a shaky gulp and then looked at the man down on the ground. My breathing was getting abnormal and all my thoughts came crashing down.

I shook my head at myself.

They'll come for me. I kept shaking my head. They'll come for both of us.

"Sera," Eris fell to the floor and that finally caught my attention.

"Eri!" I picked her up in my arms,

"I feel sick," She let out a muffled voice and my trembling got stronger.She probably felt sick because of all that happened.

So, I ran out with her in my arms, not even bothering to wipe the blood I got on myself as I ran out in public.

Author's Bullshit

I hope the start captivated you all enough to put the book in your reading list

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