Night 9 Part 1

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I saw Parrish in the morning before he headed out. That was weird, since he started the modeling gig, he was out of the house before I was even awake, not that I saw him often in the mornings. Parrish has never been a morning person and his day usually started after nine. I wasn't expecting to see him in the kitchen making breakfast and thus I freaked out.

"Hey, hi, bro, brother, what are you- what are you doing here?" I stammered and almost tripped with the chair I was trying to pull out from the table. Parrish was stirring something on the stoves that smelled highly of oatmeal and strawberries.

"I live here?" He glanced at me, raising an eyebrow, "are you okay? You've been weird since yesterday. You didn't hit your head, did you?" Parrish turned off the stove and walked up to me to brush back my overgrown bangs.

"I'm fine! I'm- Really, I'm fine." I backed away. "Don't you have to leave?" I saw wrinkles appear on his forehead and I think the rotten berries undertones in his scent got stronger when I asked that but I must have imagined it.

"You want me to leave already? And here I am making time to have breakfast with you because I thought you missed me." He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest leaning on the table.

"No, I don't want you to leave. It's just that I didn't think that you'd have time for me." I hurried to say, feeling my cheeks getting warmer. He looked annoyed and I rather have him think that I'm needy than having him being mad at me.

"I have to make time for my anxious puppy, don't I? Or else he'll show up at my work and start crying." Parrish smiled and when he made an attempt to go and pet me I backed away even more. I saw the confused look on his face, so I stood up to get the food he was cooking.

"Were you making strawberry oatmeal? I haven't had that in a while." I grabbed a spoon and went to the pot immediately. If I focus on the food I might forget how good he smells.

"Yeah..." Parrish was taken aback by my sudden change, "Hey! Could you at least get a plate?" But he recovered quickly when he saw me get a spoon full of oatmeal right from the pot. He walked up to me and snatched the spoon from my hand.

"Suwry." I mumbled an apology, trying to keep the oatmeal from spilling from my mouth.

"Goddess, are you a wild animal or something?" He turned and got a plate from the cabinets to serve me some food. He handed me back the spoon along with a plate of steaming strawberry oatmeal.

"Thanks." I took them and sat on the table to start eating. Parrish sat in front of me and while the strong wine berried scent was still very much affecting me but focusing on the oatmeal made it more bearable.

"There's more on the stove, you can take it easy." Parrish scoffed when he saw me swallowing two big spoons one after the other.

"Sorry, it's, it's really good thank you." I mumbled and started eating more slowly.

"Well, I'm glad you like it, you can have the rest." Parrish checked his watch and got up to leave his plate on the sink. "I have to leave now but I'll try to be home early and I promise I'll start doing the dishes." He started walking around collecting his things from the living room before leaving.

"What? Oh, no, you don't have to worry about it, I know, I know you're busy." I stood up too and followed him up to the front door where he started putting on his shoes.

"No, I live here too, you shouldn't be doing all the cleaning alone." He finished putting his shoes on and stood up to grab his keys from the hallway bowl. He turned to the door and was about to leave when he stopped and turned back to me again.

He glanced at me with a worried expression on his face. "You- If you start feeling bad just call me, okay?"

"Okay." I nodded. Parrish lingered at the door a bit longer, he stepped towards me. I think he was about to pet me again but hesitated, probably because I rejected him the last two times he tried to.

Nights Out (Parrish&Darius #1)Where stories live. Discover now