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By the time she got to the grass field, the game had already started and the bleachers were decently packed. There was a snack stand that ripped people off regularly, but students still flocked around the area to grab something to eat.

She noticed Usopp standing near the field's sideline, alongside Coach Rayleigh. That was interesting; she knew Usopp was involved in the team but wasn't sure how, and she never had the opportunity to ask him.

"Nami!" a familiar voice called.

Nami's eyes trailed up the rows of bleachers, eventually identifying Vivi, Rebecca, and Koala sitting all the way up at the top. She went up the stairs and joined them.

"Koala? Aren't you on the girls' team?" Nami asked. "Don't they have practice right now?"

Koala grinned coyly. "I scored on our game yesterday, so the coach allowed me to skip practice as long as I was watching this game."

That was likely not the only reason.

Nami directed her focus to the field, where several players were competing for the ball rolling in mid-air. She heard the games were intense, as it was Grand Line's best sport, but nothing could have prepared her for how violent and fast-paced the first few minutes were.

She noticed Sabo commanding the defensive line with phrases she didn't quite understand. He emanated the presence of a leader, so it only made sense for a bright band with the letter "C" on it to be wrapped around his arm.

Someone else wore the same band around his ankle - it was Ace. He seemed to be shifting the central core of the team's overall position; Nami assumed he was a center midfielder. He didn't seem to be very vocal, but instead directed his teammates through example and body language.

The final captain's band was wrapped around Luffy's wrist. He didn't have the composed disposition of Sabo, or the mature presence of Ace. He was something else entirely. Luffy was heading the front of the lineup, acting as the pointed arrow to their attacks. Just from the way he walked on the field, Nami could almost sense the chaotic energy that he radiated.

Accompanying him on the front were two wingers - Zoro and Sanji. After seeing the multiple fights they've been through, she could understand why Coach Rayleigh decided to position them on opposite sides of the field.

"What do you think about this game so far Koala?" Nami asked.

"Hm... I'd expect our team to dominate, but that's not what I'm seeing," she observed. "They're pretty evenly matched."

"This other team doesn't care about the rules," Rebecca gestured to a player who blatantly bodied Ace to get the ball. "Look at how dirty they play!"

Koala frowned. "The referee doesn't seem to notice it either."

As the game progressed, the pace steadied and the players began slowing down under the weight of their fatigue. And yet, there were still players ramming into each other, discreetly grabbing shirts, and tripping their opponents.

Her gaze drifted to Luffy. He looked annoyed. No... he looked angry. She'd only seen this look once: when Mr. Sakazuki had grabbed her wrist.

"Hey, fight back!" he shouted. "Are you guys just going to let them push you around all day?!"

Once again, Ace had the ball at his feet and looked up for a pass. Someone dove for the ball, but he cut in the other direction and found Sanji on the left. He delivered a perfect airball that spun right in front of Sanji's feet.

Sanji burst forward and spotted Luffy sprinting towards the goal. He reeled his left foot back and kicked the ball. It flew across the field with tremendous speed; Nami could barely process what was happening.

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